part 9

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"What were you guys talking about?" Stefania asked.
"Uhm... Actually I..." Danielle was at an absolute loss of words. There were tears streaming down her face but they were happy tears. Because of how her father was with her growing up she never thought she'd get such love and acceptance from her family.
"Like... Stephanie knows... She told me.. she knows I'm gay. And she doesn't care" Danielle said with the brightest smile on her face.
"I'm so happy for you" Stefania pulled her in a hug.
They pulled back slowly and as Danielle got lost in Stefania's eyes she soon felt the brunette's lips on hers. It was careful and slow but it felt absolutely right to both of them.
Pulling away from the kiss they both had huge smiles on their faces which gave Danielle even more butterflies. The woman she's had a crush on for months just kissed her.
Neither of them dared to say a word. They just cuddled up in bed in a comfortable silence. Before she turned around Stefania brought their lips together again. But it didn't last long. With a soft whisper "goodnight Bella" she pulled away. After that Danielle moved a little closer and put her arms around Stefania. Seconds later they were both fast asleep.

Danielle woke up because the sun was shining right in her face. She slowly opened here eyes and smiled at the woman next to her, remembering the previous evening. It was everything she ever wanted.
It didn't take long for Stefania to wake up as well. As happy and calm as Danielle might've been before... this caused her anxiety to kick in again. Stefania turned around and noticed immediately. She put her hand on Danielle's cheek stroking her softly in order to calm her down.
That didn't help the blonde at all though. Now she got even more anxious.
"Hey. It's okay. I'm here. What's going on?" Stefania asked.
"I just... I... I guess I'm wondering... You know because... because yesterday..." She stuttered.
"Was that not okay? Was I making you uncomfortable?" Stefania asked instantly.
"What? No!" Danielle started to laugh now.
"Good" Stefania said before putting her lips on Danielle's again. This time it wasn't just a short kiss goodnight.
They made out for a while, only pulling away because both of them were out of breath.
Afterwards they were just laying on Danielle's bed bot smiling like absolute fools.
"I'm really really happy right now" Danielle said.
"Yeah, me too." Stefania answered still smiling.

The peace didn't last long as they were once again interrupted by Ally. She came running in jumping onto Danielle's bed who immediately pulled her down and started to tickle her. Stefania joined in and Ally was giggling and screaming. Because of that Stephanie soon showed up at their door too.
They finally let Ally go. She ran downstairs completely forgetting what she wanted to tell them.
"So.. breakfast is ready. And btw.. you're gonna make such good parents one day" Stephanie said innocently and left immediately after.
Danielle was completely shocked as well as Stefania.
"How did she..?" She asked confused.
"Honestly I don't know" Danielle laughed. "I mean... last night when I basically came out to her I... Kinda told her that I like you..." She said looking at the ceiling.
"You.. you what?" Stefania asked smiling.
"Yeah but uhm..." Danielle was interrupted by a loud screamed from downstairs. "Breakfast"
They giggled and made their way downstairs. They had all day to spend together anyway so they could just continue the conversation then.
They tried their best not to be too obvious in front of Danielle's family since besides Stephanie she wasn't out to them and Stefania certainly didn't wanna be the one responsible for outing her.
Stephanie noticed how awfully happy Danielle seemed and pulled her aside after breakfast.
"So... Why are you do smiley?" She asked with a grin.
" Well last night after you left I told her that you know and that you accept me and .... She hugged me and then she just... She just kissed me" Danielle said smiling like crazy.
"Wow. You really are worse than a teenager" Stephanie laughed.
"But Steph... This morning. That comment was just.... Uncomfortable. For both of us. We only kissed a bit. I'm not sure what this even is... If we're dating or not or.... And I think neither is she. So just... Keep it down. Please?" Danielle said a little frustrated now.
"Gosh, of course. Sorry. You just looked so much like happy little family.. " Stephanie answered which got Danielle to smile again.
They hugged and Danielle left to find Stefania.

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