part 12

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"Danielle?" Someone called out.
She turned around kinda shocked. She knew that voice.
"Elizabeth, hi" she said. You could tell she wasn't expecting to meet anyone there after they'd had their piece and quiet for the time they were in there.
The woman who was about Danielle's mom's age came close.
"Lovely to see you dear. I didn't know you were in town. And who is this?" Elizabeth smiled.
"Uhm... This is Stefania." Danielle stuttered anxiously.
"And uh Stef, this is Elizabeth-" she was cut off.
"I'm friends with her mom. So how are you doing. Big famous actor and all?" Elizabeth smiled at her.
"Uhm yeah it's great. I love working on this show and I love working with Stefania" Danielle smiled looking at her girlfriend.
"Have you seen the show?"she then asked.
"Of course, dear. You think just because I work for the church I'm not gonna watch your show because there are gay people on?" Elizabeth laughed.
Danielle just smiled and when she looked at Stefania again she saw she had a smile on her face as well.
"Well I'll see you on Christmas?" Elizabeth asked.
"Yeah, I think so" Danielle said.
"Well have a good time until then and I'd really love to see you here on Christmas." Elizabeth answered.
"Thank you. You two. Bye" Danielle smiled.
Both Stefania and Elizabeth said goodbye as well and with that Danielle took her girlfriends hand in hers again and they made their way outside. Danielle felt unbelievably happy that even her mother's friend who's working for their local church accepts her.
They eventually made their way back to Kathie's house and settled down with everyone on the couch. Danielle now more comfortable with Stefania cuddling her knowing she felt the same.
After dinner they started playing board games and everyone was so competitive. At some point they played activity and Danielle and Stefania were far ahead. It was like they knew each other's thoughts. Danielle caught a few of her sisters glances and knew she'd have to tell her soon. She wanted to.
So when everyone was discussing what game to play next Danielle pulled her sister aside with barely anyone noticing.
"So... Something seemed different. You two were all over each other since you got here but it feels like today it's even more. And it's kinda annoying but you're also so cute.
Did you tell her?" Stephanie said immediately. Danielle was grinning like an absolute fool.
"I might have a girlfriend"she said excitedly.
Stephanie immediately pulled her into a hug jumping like crazy.
"Congrats. You deserve to be happy." She said sincerely.
They hugged for another few seconds but quickly made their way back.

2 hours later Stephanie and Jason went upstairs with Ally to out her to bed and have some time for themselves. Kathie was about to start cleaning up when Danielle spoke up.
"Mom, can you sit down for a second"
She was already nervous as hell but she knew she had to do this now in order not to get outed by someone in town.
"Is everything okay sweetie?" Kathie asked scared.
"Well... Depends" Danielle chuckled nervously. That was all it took for Stefania to put her hand on the blondes back for comfort.
"I... need to tell you something" Danielle took another deep breath.
"Whatever it is sweetie, I love you. Nothing is gonna chance that" Kathie reassured her Daughter.
"We uhm... I... I'm... gay. I like girls" Danielle stuttered, more nervous than ever before.
Kathie immediately got up and hugged her daughter.
"I love you baby. Nothing is gonna chance that, you hear me?" Kathie said. Danielle nodded crying in her arms.
They pulled apart eventually and Danielle spoke up again.
"And uhm mom... There's something else I wanna tell you. Stefania is actually my girlfriend. " She smiled.
"Aww. I'm happy for you." Kathie smiled as well.
"And she only got up the courage to ask me to be her girlfriend today. After she had a crush on me for months" Stefania laughed.
"Hey" Danielle lightly punched her arm.
"I thought I had you here for emotional support, not to mock me" she laughed.
"Well I only said how it was" Stefania shrugged laughing.
Kathie smiled at them. She'd seen her daughter struggle with herself for so long but she never knew what was eating at her. She was happy her daughter finally told her and that she'd found someone who made her that happy.
"Well I'll clean up now..." she then said.
"Yeah we can help if you want" Danielle offered immediately.
"You two go to bed and get some sleep." Kathie smiled at them.
"Goodnight" both Danielle and Stefania said.
"Night you two"

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