part 17

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"yeah... I wanted to ask.. your parents are divorced right?" Ashley carefully introduced the topic.
"Yeah. Been for a few years now and it's honestly the best thing that could've happened for me. I'm so glad I don't have to see him anymore. I don't think I'd be here for the holidays if they were still together" Danielle sighed. Stefania tried her best to comfort her and soon felt her girlfriend cuddle into her side a little more.
"Gosh, he's still that bad?" Ashley asked.
"Yup... When he read somewhere that I'm on station 19, which you know is a huge deal for me. It's freaking shondaland" Danielle smiled briefly.
"But the first thing he did was call and harass me. He told me to not do the show... And that it would turn me into a dumb dyke" she sighed heavily.
"You're okay. I'm here" Stefania softly whispered to Danielle.
"God I'm so sorry you have to deal with him. I remember when he caught us making out in highschool... The man went absolutely mad" Ashley remembered.
"Mh...  He screamed at me to stop being as dyke and stuff like that. Didn't he also call your parents?" Danielle asked.
"He did. That's how I got outed actually. I never told you, did I ? And I was so mad back then because I stood my ground.. I was out and proud from then on and I don't care who knew it.... You just weren't ready.." Ashley answered. Stefania and Molly just sat there not really contributing to the conversation but listening curiously.
"Well my dad told me he'd cut me off... I was terrified. I'm sorry for not being better to you. You deserved at least an explanation" Danielle now smiled again.
"We were both crappy, huh?" Ashley started laughing and soon Danielle joined nodding.
"So.. what did you do after school? Where did you go? " Ashley asked.
"I went straight to LA. My dad helped me a bunch money wise in the beginning but he's always been abusive. Even if it wasn't physical.  But i got some good jobs so I didn't need his money for long. I haven't seen him since I left. I come back here every Christmas now that my parents are divorced though." Danielle said.
"That's good. I went to college. I slept with so many women..." Ashley laughed.
"Lucky you settled down with me huh?" Molly chimed in.
"Oh come on that was for like a year... And then my last year of college I met you" Ashley smiled.
"We lived in Seattle for 3 years before we finally decided to move back here because we'd both gotten good job offers and we wanted to start a family. Not that far away from our parents" Molly added.
"You have 3 little girls right?" Stefania asked smiling.
"Well actually our oldest, Elliot identifies as non binary. They came out on Christmas eve actually." Molly smiled holing up a picture.
"How old are they?" Danielle asked.
"Well Elliot here is 13. And then we have our twins. Maeve and Eloise, they're 6 now." Ashley smiled proudly.
"Oh my gosh, they're so cute" Danielle smiled.
"Si, they are" Stefania agreed. If only she knew what Danielle was thinking about. She wanted nothing more but to have this with Stefania at some point. Molly looked at her watch and realized it was already past 12.
"Guys, it's past 12. How about we order some food?" She asked and everyone nodded.
"Chinese sound good?" Ashley said. Danielle's eyes lit up.
"Yes please. I love chinese." She smiled.
"Always did" Ashley laughed.
"True" Danielle answered.
They ordered their food with Danielle getting more excited by the second. They told them it'd be there in about half an hour.
"How about we play a game? You two against us?" Molly asked with a devilish grin.
"Oh you think you're winning huh?" Danielle said smirking.
"Activity?" Ashley asked.
"Si. We got this bambina" Stefania answered.
They started playing and it was always close but Danielle and Stefania were pretty much always in the lead. It was like they were reading each other's minds. They were close to finishing when the doorbell rung.
"I'll get it" Ashley said. Molly followed right behind her. Ashley payed the delivery guy while Molly took the food and carried it to the kitchen table. Danielle and Stefania hesitantly got up and made their way over there as well.

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