part 11

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Danielle and Stefania kept on walking through the park when Danielle spoke up: " So uhm... I think we kinda need to talk about.. this" she motioned between the two of them.
Stefania looked at her a little confused.
"Uhm... Like we kissed a few times and I really really like you but-"
"I really really like you too" Stefania interrupted and instantly made Danielle smile.
"But uhm.. ugh why can't I find the words for this" she stuttered.
"Well if you mean what I think you do, let me try. Okay?" Stefania said reassuring.
"What do you think I mean" Danielle giggled.
"Well you're American so you're stuck up about all this anyway b-"
"Hey" Danielle hit Stefania's arm laughing.
"Bambina stop interrupting me so I can actually say what I want to!" Stefania was laughing too. Danielle just nodded in response.
"Okay.. Danielle Kathleen Savre, do you want to be my girlfriend? Like officially?" Stefania said in the most sincere way. Danielle immediately reached up and kissed the brunette. "Yes" she whispered in between kisses. They were getting more passionate by the second but Stefania eventually pushed them apart.
"Ugh. I hate that you stopped kissing me. But then again.. I was never a person who liked making out in public. What are you doing to me?" Danielle giggled.
"Just making you happy I hope" Stefania smiled back.
"Very" Danielle answered and placed another kiss on her girlfriends lips.

They made their way towards the center of town. There were a few little shops and of course Danielle showed Stefania her favourites back when she lived here. And told her about the ones that didn't exist anymore.
About half an hour later they'd finally reached the restaurant Danielle picked.
"Hi. Uhm I booked a table for 2. Name's Savre" Danielle said to the waitress as the entered the building.
"Yes. I'll show you to your table." The waitress answered and started walking through the restaurant. Danielle and Stefania followed holding hands. This was all so new to Danielle. She had never been with someone officially. Sure, there were dates and short-lived relationships and from time to time hook-ups but that was about as far as she ever got. It was weird because it was new but at the same time it was the most amazing thing she'd ever felt. She had a girlfriend. Officially.
They sat down at the table and Stefania noticed how lost in her thoughts Danielle really was.
"Bambina are you okay?" She asked putting her hand on top of Danielle's which was laying on the table. Danielle jumped a little but eventually responded.
"Y-yeah sorry. I was just thinking you know.. my sister knows I'm gay and she she also knows I have a crush on you" Danielle giggled embarrassed but it just made Stefania smile.
"But..?" Stefania added.
"I'll have to tell my mom. If we're out here being out and proud.. people talk. And the smaller the town... It'll reach my mom in no time. And I want her to hear it from me." Danielle said with a little fear in her eyes.
"Of course. I understand that. If there's anything I can do to help you?" Stefania responded.
"Just be there for me. That's all I need" Danielle said sincerely.
Not long after another waitress approached asking for their orders. Danielle had known this place so it was easy for her but even Stefania didn't take long to find something that sounded good to her.
They talked about the show and Marinas future until their food arrived which was a pretty short time span.
They both were really happy with their Food, especially Danielle since this has always been her favorite. Besides Stefania's cooking of course.

After lunch they continued their tour and after a while they came by the church. Danielle gulped as they came close.
"You okay?" Stefania asked.
"Yeah, I think so. I just haven't been in there since my dad left..." She sighed.
"Can we try going inside? Because it looks really beautiful and I'm curious to see the inside" Stefania asked gently. Danielle nodded and so they made their way inside holding hands.
Luckily it was empty inside which seemed to calm Danielle down a bit.
"Wow it's even better than I thought it would be" Stefania whispered.
"Yeah, not at all how I remember it" Danielle said stunned.
"Can we sit down for a little. Is that okay with you?" Stefania asked.
"Sure, just... don't go near that row" Danielle pointed. That was all it took for Stefania to walk to another corner and sit down. Danielle very soon next to her.
"I'm guessing over there is where your family sat?"
"Yeah. Brings up some stuff with my dad but... It's time to face my demons. At least some" Danielle answered.

They didn't stay for too long. A few minutes they were on their way out when Danielle heard someone call her name from behind them.

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