part 4

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They switched after a break a few hours later and it didn't take long for Danielle to fall asleep in the passenger seat. She fought it, yawning constantly. "It's okay. You sleep a little and we'll be there soon okay?" Stefania said softly.
She smiled seeing Danielle peacefully asleep as she'd been stressed about visiting her family for a while now.
Stefania just followed the car navigation and hoped not to get lost so she could let Danielle rest.

Danielle slowly opened her eyes as she felt the car turn a corner. She was surprised as she already saw the town her mom lived in. She got really nervous all of a sudden. Now there really was no turning back.
Stefania noticed and carefully put her hand on Danielle's leg.
"You ok?" She asked gently. "Mhh..." Danielle nodded looking at the gorgeous woman sitting next to her.

They pulled into her mom's driveway and before they could even get out of the car the front door opened. Danielle had send her mom a live location from her phone earlier so she knew exactly when they'd be there.
Danielle got out and gave her mom a tight hug.
"Hi sweetie. I missed you" her mom said.
"Me too mom." She grinned "uhm... Mom, this is Stefania" she introduced them.
"Oh right she's your TV girlfriend, right?"Danielle's mom said reaching her hand out to shake Stefanias.
She just nodded, huge smile on her face.
"Nice to meet you miss Savre"
Danielle's mom immediately interrupting her " just call me Kathie, dear"
"Thanks" Stefania smiled.
Danielle and Stefania went back to the car to get all their stuff and of course Jeff who'd been incredibly quiet all drive long.
"This is Jeff" Stefania introduced.
"Oh hi sweetie. I've been so excited to meet you. You're so sweet" Kathie cuddled the dog.
"I can take her and some of her stuff inside so you guys can take care of the rest if you want?"
"Sounds good?" Stefania asked Jeff who barked in response.
"Here you go" Stefania handed Danielle's mom the leash and Jeff's food and water bowls.
Kathie went inside as the two women were pulling the suitcases out of the car.
"So uhm my room is up the stairs and I think your room should be two rooms down" Danielle said as they finally entered the house.
"Uhm... About that. Stef brought her boyfriend and his daughter. And we all thought it was better for her not to have to stay in a room with them. I mean she's 9... You know?" Kathie said .
"Y-yeah." Danielle stuttered. Staying at her mom's over Christmas with Stefania was bad enough but now she even had to share a room. Great.
She decided to just head upstairs to avoid any weird comments from either her mom or Stefania.
Stefania followed Danielle upstairs somewhat lost in her thoughts. Did Danielle not like her as much as she thought? She tried not to think much of it considering how stressed out Danielle had previously been. But she couldn't help but feel a little weird.
" This is my room I guess. The bed is pretty huge so I guess we'll just have to share." Danielle interrupted Stefania's thoughts.
She sat on the bed and finally dared to look at the woman she had such a crush on. She noticed the frown on Stefania's face.
"What's up?" Danielle asked.
"You just... You look upset. What's going on?"
Stefania sat down on the bed next to Danielle sighing. "You were weird when your mom told you we have to share your room. Did I do something? Do you not like me?" Stefania asked with a lot of doubt and pain in her voice.
"I..  what? No. It's just..." Danielle now too sighed. She wanted to tell Stefania how she felt but she also just didn't want to ruin their friendship.
"Sorry if I made it seem that way. It's not about you at all. It's just... I'm not out to anyone really. And I love my mom, I really do but I just..."
"I know. Coming out is hard. Especially if you don't know how people will react" Stefania responded.
"Yeah" Danielle sighed laying her head on Stefania's shoulder.
"You know my parents actually split because my mom turned out to be way more liberal like my dad. When they met they agreed on a lot but with some time his views changed like a lot. He seriously doesn't think abortion should be legal. Or you know that I... We are actually sick. And he believes in conversion therapy..." She paused, tears rolling down her cheeks.
Stefania pulled her in a tight hug and she immediately started full on sobbing.
It took half an hour til Danielle had calmed down enough for both of them to head downstairs.
"Hey you guys. Uhm Stefania I let Jeff out in the backyard. She seemed quite excited. I hope that's okay." Kathie greeted them. Stefania just nodded smiling.
"You can sit down. And Danielle, introduce Stefania to your sister."
With that Danielle led Stefania towards the big kitchen table.

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