part 8

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Stefania woke up tangled in the most gorgeous woman on the planet. At least to her. She didn't dare to move scared to wake Danielle from her sleep. And she knew after yesterday she very well needed it. So she just stared at her in awe for a while.
Danielle woke up about half an hour later. She slowly opened her eyes and was surprised to find Stefania right in front of her. But she didn't move either. They wanted to stay like this forever.
But the peace and quiet didn't last long. 5 minutes later Ally burst into the room. Both women turned towards the door in a hectic motion.
"Breakfast!" Ally screamed and the tension eventually broke leading to a bunch of laughter.
"Grandma told me to go get you. Breakfast is ready." Ally repeated.
"Okay sweetie, we'll be down in a few okay?" Stefania answered. Danielle just sat there smiling totally lost in thought.
"What's got you all smiley?" Stefania asked.
"Oh uhm..." Danielle stuttered totally caught off guard."she's just never called her grandma. It just feels like it's finally not my sister's fiancé and his kid anymore. She's my niece." Danielle smiled even more now.
Stefania was just happy at how much better Danielle seemed to be compared to the pervious day.
They are breakfast and discussed plans for the day with everyone. Kathie had planned for everyone to go hiking together and surprisingly even Ally liked the idea.

They had to drive several miles away to get to the beautiful trail that Kathie had picked but it was absolutely worth it.
Since they didn't all fit in one car Danielle and Stefania drove in Danielle's car behind Kathie. They liked that they still had time for just them. And what Stefania didn't know... Danielle had planned a trip the next day to show her around town a little.
The trail was 5 miles long and while everyone loved the view it didn't take long for Ally to complain. She might've been a very mature 9 year old but she was still only a 9 year old.
Danielle and Stefania usually walked behind the others, arms linked. Danielle hated Stefania for being so comfortable with physical contact because while it made her feel so many butterflies, she knew she didn't have a chance with the brunette.
They got lunch in a little restaurant along the trail. Luckily it wasn't very crowded so they weren't that worried about covid.
It was noon when they finally got back to Kathie's house again and everyone just kinda settled down around the couch table as Kathie got out an amazing cake.
"Oh my god, mom! Where was this yesterday?" Stephanie asked.
"Well I knew we'd need something special after today." She laughed in response.
Stefania soon was laughing too because of how in love Danielle looked with the cake. She knew the blonde had a huge sweet tooth and she found it absolutely adorable.
Danielle noticed the laugh and just ever so lightly punched Stefania's arm. "You're mean" she now laughed too.
"No I'm not. But I doubt you'll ever look at anyone the way you look at this cake" Stefania answered.
"Okay now would someone please help me get the plates and everything?" Kathie asked smiling.
Ally immediately got up, dragging her father with her.
Now it was just Stefania, Danielle and her sister on the couch.
"You're really cute together" Stephanie said out of the blue but with a big smile.
They were both shocked, Danielle way more than Stefania. Before anyone had the chance to respond Ally came running back with a few plates.
"Careful baby" Stephanie immediately screamed. Somehow Ally made it to the table without destroying any plates but the horror on Stephanie's face said it all.
"By the way... have you guys picked a wedding date yet?" Danielle asked, hoping to stir the conversation away from her and Stefania.
"Well no because of the whole pandemic and everything... We decided to just wait until it's safe to have some form of party" she smiled and Danielle was glad she successfully changed the topic until her sister continued.
"But Stefania, just fyi you're also invited whenever it'll actually happen. You're so close with my baby sister you're basically family" she smiled.
"Awwww. Thank you" Stefania smiled feeling Danielle tensing up next to her. She was confused as to why she reacted that way but decided to wait until later to bring it up.

The evening wasn't much different than the previous one but everyone was happy. That's all that mattered.
As they were getting ready to go to bed Danielle sat alone in her room while Stefania was in the bathroom. All of a sudden Stephanie walked in and sat down next to her on the bed.
"Hey. Is everything okay" Danielle almost immediately asked. Her sister was in her room by now.
"Yeah, totally. I just wanted to say sorry for earlier. I'm sorry if I made you two uncomfortable or anything" she said sincerely.
"Uhm no, it's fine. Besides we're not... This is not what you think I'm not even..." Danielle began to panick.
"Dani, I know you're gay. I've known for years" and that was all it took to completely break down. Stephanie pulled her into a tight hug.
"I know. It's okay. And you know I was waiting until you felt comfortable to tell me and you just seemed to comfortable with her. I've never seen you like that with anyone. So I kinda assumed you we're just telling us that way" Danielle's breathing slowly went back to normal.
"And I'm sorry if me inviting her to my wedding made you uncomfortable but she's just a pretty cool person" Stephanie smiled at her sister.
"She's amazing isn't she" Danielle said with a foolish smile and huge blush on her cheeks.
"See, you do like her. So does-" Stephanie got interrupted by Stefania walking out the bathroom.
"Well I leave you two alone"she said as she left the room.
"What were you guys talking about?" Stefania asked.

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