part 13

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They cuddled up in Danielle's bed and kept talking for hours. They just never ran out of things to talk about.  But that also meant they could barely keep their eyes open at the breakfast table the following morning.
Stephanie laughed at them, thinking they did more than what they actually did.
They didn't do much all day long, just sit around and watch some TV with everyone. When Kathie suggest a walk Danielle and Stefania almost stayed on the couch but Ally was way too excited and begged them to come along. With that of course it didn't take long for them to agree to the walk after all.
They held hands the whole walk, no matter how cold their hands got. Jason eventually noticed that they're awfully close to be just friends and asked his fiancee.
"Are they..  dating? Did i miss something?" he whispered in her ear.
"Yeah. Officially since yesterday but if you ask me... They were kinda together without realizing for months" she giggled.
30 minutes later they got home and shortly after everyone sat at the table again eating the delicious cake that was still left over and cookies Ally made the previous day.
The whole time they sat at the table Danielle and Stefania were shooting each other flirty looks and stealing each others food.
They then settled down in front of the TV not really feeling like doing much. The day had been a lazy day and they weren't gonna start anything now.
As they were now out to everyone that really deeply mattered they were laying on the couch giving each other little kisses every 5 minutes.
Stephanie and her fiance were currently out to get some groceries and Kathy was cleaning up the kitchen. So Ally got bored and went over to the couch in hopes to play a game with Danielle and Stefania.
She saw them kissing as she approached and being the curious 9 year old she is she started asking.
"Hey Dani and Stef. I wanna ask you something..." She smiled sweetly and of course neither of them could deny that.
"Sure, sweetie, go ahead" Danielle laughed back.
"Are you a couple?"
Danielle went into full shock mode. She didn't know why. It was just her 9 year old almost niece after all. Everyone else knew. No problem. But she was 9 and therefore very honest about everything and she didn't hold back at all.
"Si, bambina, we are" Stefania jumped in when Danielle didn't answer.
""Okay I understood that but what does si bambi.. mean" Ally struggled to say.
Stefania couldn't stop laughing and it didn't take long for Danielle to laugh with her. "See now I thought you only called me that" she giggled.
Now Ally looked even more confused.
"Oh uhm..  si just means yes and bambina can mean little girl or baby. Depends how you use it" Stefania smiled as she explained.
"And why aren't you just saying that?" Ally asked still confused.
"Well Stefania is from Italy. So Italian is her mother tongue and she mixes it in quite a lot" Danielle looked over at her girlfriend and pressed a small kiss to her lips.
"Ew. No making out. I'm too young for that" Ally pretended to run away. Both Danielle and Stefania erupted in laughter again.
After a minute or two Ally came back with the controllers for the Xbox.
"What I actually wanted to ask if of you two wanna play Mario with me?" Ally asked excitedly.
Both Danielle's and Stefania's competitive side came out and they immediately agreed ,already more focused on beating each other than actually beating Ally.
The game started and they got themselves ready. Both women were always almost at the same level. None of them ever really taking a lead. Ally was a bit behind and annoyed that they were winning.
Kathie eventually joined them on the couch, watching the game. She laughed at how competitive her daughter and girlfriend got. Just as they started the last round Jason and Stephanie walked in the door. Ally immediately got up and helped them carry stuff inside since it was clear she wasn't gonna win this one no matter what.
"Hi sweetie" Stephanie hugged her and then looked over at the couch.
"Oh you we're playing against them weren't you?" Stephanie asked laughing, knowing how competitive her sister could get and seeing the mess in the other room.
Ally just nodded annoyed.
"Well let's get everything inside and get dinner ready, that sound good?" Stephanie said.
Ally nodded and so they started making dinner.

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