Part 5

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"Hiiii" Stephanie got up runnig towards Danielle. As soon as she was close enough she pulled her in a tight hug. "Hi. Gosh I missed you" Danielle said with a big smile on her face. "Me too" her sister immediately responded.
As soon as they released from the hug her little (almost) niece came to hug her. "Hi Ally" Danielle picked her up. "Hi auntie Dani. I haven't seen you in forever" she giggled.
"I know kiddo. You're so tall already wow." Danielle's remark made the 9 year old smile proudly.

Stefania stood back watching happily. While Danielle greeted her family Jeff sat down next to Stefania. Danielle's mom must've let her back in.
"Uhm Stefania, this is my Sister Stephanie" they both laughed at the irony of their names matching.
"And uhm this is her boyfr-" Danielle was swiftly interrupted by her sister "fiancé actually"
"Oh my god congrats" she almost screamed.
"As they were saying... I'm Jason and this is Allison" he stated.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Stefania if you didn't already catch that" she smiled.
Ally came up to her still a little shy "And uh... Who's that?" She said pointing at Stefania's dog.
"Oh that's Jeff. I'm sure she'd like to play with you, wouldn't you ?" Stefania said looking from Ally to Jeff.
"Hi Jeff" Ally said as she started carefully petting the fluffy dog in front of her.
Danielle went over to Stefania and dragged her to the table with a smile on her face because so far everyone seemed to like Stefania.
They all are quietly with Danielle occasionally glancing at Stefania. She was absolutely perfect.
Danielle's behavior didn't go unnoticed by her sister who just smiled knowing that her sister answer dared to bring anyone home she liked. She knew Danielle was gay even though her sister never came out to any of them and tried to hide her sexuality best as she could. But that's what sisters are for.
She never actually confronted Danielle because she knew that wouldn't get them far. Instead she tried her best to make her sister feel comfortable around her and hoped she'd tell her on her own terms at some point.
When they finished lunch Danielle and Stefania helped her mom put the dishes in the kitchen while Stephanie and Jason took Allison up to her room for a nap.
They went to their room and soon were asleep to.
While Stefania went to the bathroom Danielle stayed in the kitchen helping her mom when all of a sudden the phone rang.
Kathie picked it up with a disgusted look already on her face. "Savre, hello"
It didn't take long for Danielle to figure out her dad was calling. She'd shut him out of her life almost completely as all he did was make her feel worse about herself.
"Yes, she's here" Kathie answered.
"Give the little bitch the phone" Danielle could hear her father screaming into the phone.

Stefania came back into the kitchen and it didn't take long for her to notice the tears rolling down Danielle's cheek. She carefully pulled her into her side trying to make her feel a little better. She decided not to day anything as she didn't even know what was happening. Instead she listened to Kathie on the phone.
"Tell that spoiled little brat to stop her little acting thing and get a real job. They're turning her gay" could be hear from the other end of the line. Kathie argued against him strongly but the tears were streaming down Danielle's face stronger with every word.
At this point Stefania pulled her into a tight hug. As soon as she was all wrapped up in Stefania's arms she started sobbing and shaking violently.
Kathie turned and saw her daughter like that and it almost broke her.
Stefania guided her to her room and they cuddled up on Danielle's bed, Stefania comforting her as much as she could.
"It's just.. I cut him out. I haven't talked to him in a while" Danielle said between sobs. "And I don't know why he still gets to me like that because hell I don't want him to"
"Yeah" Stefania whispered softly.
Danielle calmed down slowly breathing in and out.
"It just... It hurts so much" She whispered.
"I know" Stefania responded.
An hour later they heard noise downstairs and were debating wether they should go downstairs or just stay right were they were a little longer when their door burst open.
"Hey auntie Dani and Stefania" Ally said as she came in.
"Hey sweetie" Danielle smiled.
"We all wanna go on a walk. You guys coming?" The 9yo asked.
"Yes, Jeff will be so excited" Stefania said as they both got up.
It didn't take long for them to follow Ally down the stairs to the living room where everyone else was sitting on the couch.
"Can we go now" Ally said excited making them jump.
Kathie turned around and gave both women a warm smile. Thankful that Stefania comforted Danielle when she was hurting that much.

Everyone put on their coats and shoes and Stefania put Jeff on her leash. Soon after they were walking through the woods close to Kathie's house.

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