part 16

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December 27th
Danielle and Stefania were just laying on the couch cuddled up with everyone doing stuff around them. Ally convinced her dad and Stephanie to play another video game with her and Kathie was cleaning the house. Everyone wanted to help her but in true mom fashion.. she wouldn't let them.
Danielle was lost in Stefania land when all of a sudden her phone made some noise. An unknown number had sent her several texts.
unknown: Hi, Ash here. Are you still in town?
Danielle lifted her phone for Stefania to see as she'd been trying to catch a glimpse.
Dani: yeah, me and Stefania are still here. Why are you asking? :)
Ash: Well you know how we said we still have a bunch of stuff to talk about and all?
Dani: yup...
Ash: how about we meet up. Maybe tomorrow if you're free. My parents have the kids.
Danielle looked up at Stefania questioning and once again showing her the phone.
"I mean... Sure." Stefania said and leaned closer. "Would probably help you to process a few things, huh?" She whispered in Danielle's ear. She didn't want everyone around to listen in on their conversation. The blonde just nodded, glad no one noticed as well.
Dani: Tomorrow works for us. Where do we want to meet though? With covid and everything I'm not sure how safe restaurants and stuff are...
Ash: Yeah, thought about that too. Since we don't have the kids you could come over to our house and we could just order something?
Dani: sounds good to me. So around lunch?
Ash: perfect. See you then.

December 28th
Danielle was at her mom's house getting ready with Stefania. She was crazy nervous. And she didn't even know why. She knew Ashley back from highschool and although their breakup was really hard on both of them, they grew up. Both women were in stable happy relationships now. Both were out and proud. And she had Stefania by her side for comfort.
They eventually left the house and on their walk through the city Stefania realized just how nervous her girlfriend was.
"Bambina, you okay?" She asked gently stroking her cheek. Danielle just pulled her in for a hug and cuddled into her side. They stood there like that for a good 5 minutes before Danielle finally pulled away.
"I am okay. I think." She finally answer looking up at her girlfriend.
"I just... We both did a lot of crap back then. We were so mean to each other and then my dad... It's just all coming back" a few tears were now rolling down her face. Stefania immediately took notice and gently wiped them away.
"You'll be fine bambina. I promise. And I'm always here for you okay?" She asked smiling. Her girlfriend now looked at her too, reciprocating the smile. She leaned in for a short kiss and the kept walking.
Not too long after they reached the address Ashley had texted Danielle earlier.
"It's now or never I guess." Danielle said nervously as she rung the doorbell. Stefania had her hand on Danielle's back trying to comfort her girlfriend a little.
Seconds later the door opened and Ashley stood in front of them.
"Hi. Good to see you. Come in" she greeted them.
"Good to see you too" Danielle answered and Stefania just smiled.
"So uhm... You guys can put your coats here and the living room is right through there. You guys want anything to drink? We made some really good ice tea with the kids yesterday." Ashley continued.
"Yes, ice tea sounds really good." Danielle smiled as she put her coat on the hanger.
"Si, I'd take one too" Stefania answered smiling. She liked Ashley so far and since she was married and seemed really happy with that she could very well control her jealousy. Ashley left to get them their ice teas from the kitchen while the two made their way over to the living room. Ashley's wife was already sitting on the couch.
"Hi, I'm Molly. Nice to finally meet you" she smiled.
"Yeah, nice to meet you too. I'm Danielle but I'm sure you already know that" Danielle giggled.
"And that's my girlfriend, Stefania" she said looking right over at Stefania with so much love in her eyes.
"Gosh you two are cute. How long-" Molly started asking but was effectively cut off by her wife entering the room with their drinks. She placed them on the living room table and gave Molly a short kiss.
"I see you've already introduced yourselves?" She asked laughing. Everyone nodded in a agreement.
"Anyways...  As I was saying... How long have you two been together?" Molly continued.
"Uhm.. actually we've only officially been together since that day we met Ash in the park" Danielle now stuttered a little.
"Si bambina. But we've been really close for months before that." Stefania added.
"You're on station 19 right?" Molly asked.
"I already told her that. Besides.. you know me, loved Grey's anatomy ever since" Ashley said rolling her eyes.
"Well... good to know. But yes, I'm Maya on station 19 and Carina was on Grey's for a while before we met. The writers decided they wanted Maya to try an actual relationship for once..." Danielle laughed.
"Maya 'monogamy is for the weak' Bishop" Ashley laughed.
"Exactly" Danielle answered.
"Well the writers did a really good job putting you together apparently" Molly said.
"Yeah. I mean I was nervous as hell. I always was when Maya got involved with another woman. You know... My dad and all. But when they told me it was gonna be Stefania... That was even worse because I had a low-key crush on her" Danielle admitted. Stefania just laughed which immediately earned her a light slap on the shoulder from her girlfriend.
"Worked out very well though" She then said.

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