Part 6

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They stopped at a nice cafe to have some cake and coffee and made their way back to Kathie's house.
Danielle still felt a little bummed out so Stefania had her arm around her for a little comfort basically the whole walk. For the first few minutes she had Jeff's leash in her other hand but soon handed her over to Kathie as she offered.
Stefania comforting Danielle didn't go unnoticed. Stephanie smiled at how comfortable Danielle was with Stefania around.

They soon reached Kathie's house. Everyone put their coats and shoes away and went into the living room.
"Can we play a game?" Ally asked excitedly.
Everyone agreed and soon they started playing. First uno and then some board games.
They ended it with Activity which lead to Danielle and Stefania being one team. Her sister teamed up with her brother and Ally with her mom.
To no one's surprise Danielle and Stefania won as is they could read each other's thoughts.
"Okay you guys... How about we actually get dinner? I haven't made anything so we have to order tonight..." Kathie explained.
"Pizza" Ally screamed. Everyone laughed but it didn't take long to agree on Italian. Stefania was the only one who objected but after Danielle begging she eventually gave in.
"Promise me we'll actually make some good Italian food while we're here" she offered.
"Sure" Danielle giggled.
They got out the menu flyer from the Italian restaurant in town and started looking through.
"Uhm.. I think I'll take spaghetti carbonara... Or maybe the veggie pizza? Dammit they're both so good" Danielle frowned which made Stefania smile.
"Maybe we just order both and we can share? Because I can't really decide on anything anyway" she offered.
"Really?" Danielle beamed at Stefania excited who just nodded, smiling.
Danielle told her mom what her and Stefania wanted and made her way to the couch where the brunette was already sitting.
Ally requested they play Xbox with her and it didn't take long for her to convince everyone to play with her. They only had 3 controllers so they decided to play in teams again so nobody's left out. Teams were the same as before which made Danielle quite happy.
Ally and Danielle's mom ended up winning simply because Ally knew the game best out of everyone but Danielle and Stefania were a close second.
They were just discussing what to play next when the doorbell rang. "Pizza!" Ally jumped up and ran towards the door with Kathie following close behind to pay the delivery person.
5 minutes later and the food was on the table. Danielle and Stefania were eagerly tasting each other's food even though Stefania was a little frustrated because she could do most if not all of this food better. She knew she'd show Danielle soon enough.
They fed each other a bite every now and then and Danielle was insanely happy but at the same time there was still a bunch of anxiety within her because of her crush on Stefania. She wanted to be with her but everything was just so complicated.
Her sister smiled at them from across the table and her boyfriend noticed as well but he didn't say anything either.

After Dinner they sat down on the couch and decided to watch a movie. Kathie got out a box of DVDs, she had an unusual amount of Christmas movies. They fought over the movie for a good 15 minutes before they gave in and let Ally have her choice that night. Charlie and the chocolate factory.

It didn't take long for Danielle to get a little sleepy and cuddle into Stefania who just stroked her back gently. This time even Ally noticed them and quietly asked Stephanie.
"Yeah, sweetie. What's going on?" She asked.
"Are they dating? Because you cuddle with daddy like that but you don't do that with your friends" Ally asked curiously. She was smart for her age and it scared Stephanie sometimes.
"I don't know" she simply answered.
"Okay" Ally sighed and wandered off to the bathroom to get ready for bed as it was already 9.30 pm.
Kathie switched from DVD to cable TV and they watched some documentary that was on.
Jason went upstairs to put Ally to bed and Stefania decided she should wake the sleeping beauty next to her. She slowly shook her arms a little until Danielle started opening her eyes looking up at Stefania.
"Hey bambina" she smiled at Danielle who looked very tired. She stretched and got up to go to the Kitchen.
"I'm gonna get some tea. You want one?" The blonde asked Stefania who nodded smiling happily.
Danielle got back a few minutes later with 2 mugs in her hand. She placed them on the table in front of her and cuddled back into Stefania.
About half an hour later everyone slowly but surely decided to go to sleep.

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