part 14

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After dinner everyone just sat on the couch for another 2-3 hours watching home alone. They were all excited for it to finally be Christmas Eve.

At about 10pm Danielle and Stefania were laying cuddled up in Danielle's bed. She loved every second of this. She finally was with the girl she loved. Love? Well.. she'd had a crush on her for that long, chances are she really is already in love.
Her family accepted her and nobody but her made a big deal out of it. Hell, she  could even kiss her girlfriend on new year's Eve. She wasn't ashamed anymore.
It was good. Way too good.
But then there also was her dad.

Stefania noticed her girlfriend looked upset. She caressed her cheek and gently asked "Danielle, bella, what's wrong?"
Danielle sighed. "Nothing really."
"Oh come on, don't even try lying to me. I know you better than that." Stefania responded.
"Well it's just my dad..."
"Screw him. He's an ass for not loving this beautiful human being that you are." Stefania immediately said. That was all it took for a few tears to roll down Danielle's cheek.
"It's just... frustrating. We used to be really close when I was younger. I was his little girl. I love sports, you know and I got that from him.. we did so much together back then. I think at the time he was just happy that if he couldn't have a boy to do this with at least he had me who was into all that kinda stuff." Danielle explained.
Stefania listened and gently tucked a strand of hair behind her girlfriend's ear.
"I think in hindsight... You know since he already thinks I'm gay, he thinks he's responsible for that.."
"Oh that's just stupid" Stefania said frustrated.
"I know... That's how he was raised and I don't think that's ever gonna change." Danielle sighed.
"Oh bella, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that..." Stefania tried to comfort her.
"I mean when I'm in LA it's a whole different world. I'm kind of a different person almost..."
"No, I wouldn't say that... You're just a bit lighter because all these worries and the bad stuff is far away from you" Stefania said.
"Yeah." Danielle nodded.
"By the way how's this been so far with my family?" She proceeded to ask. Stefania smiled at her.
"Well so far the last few days have been pretty great. I mean... I finally got a girlfriend. That's pretty great. And your family is really awesome"
"Glad you like them." Danielle smiled widely.
"They made my favorite person. How could I not like them. Plus it was really good seeing them accept you like this. I just wasn't that fortunate when I came out so.. I'm really happy for you" Stefania responded. Danielle immediately squeezed her a little tighter.
They were laying in a comfortable silence for a while when Stefania heard her girlfriend softly snore. She giggled a little but soon drifted off as well.

They woke up to an excited Ally Streaming into their faces.
"It's Christmas Eve!!!"
"Oh my god" Danielle groaned.
"Go away it's way to early"
While Stefania was just as tired as her girlfriend she giggled at the blonde's reaction.
Ally walked away pouting.
"Aw... Now you made her upset" Stefania said gently to Danielle who was still cuddled up into her face. She didn't even care to lift her head.
"I don't care" she laughed and so did Stefania.
"It is 8am though.. she's not even that early" she said. Now Danielle opened her eyes.
"Really?" the blonde asked.
"Uh-huh." Stefania giggled.
"Well since we're already awake...  Might as well make use of our time" Danielle said with a devilish grin in her eyes.
"Oh.." Stefania seemed to understand.
Danielle pulled her close and slowly put their lips together. The kisses started out gentle but it didn't take long for them to be wrapped up in a passionate make out session. Stefania let out a quiet moan which turned Danielle on even more.
"Don't.. do that... to me" Danielle sighed.
"What?" Stefania asked teasingly.
"You always do that little.... And you get me all turned on when I can't..." Danielle said out of breath.
"Oh do I....?" Stefania teased her even more.
"But we're at my mom's house and my whole family's around and we can't..." Danielle sighed.
"I know, bella, I know." Stefania said apologetically.
She put her lips back on her girlfriend's and they kept making out until Danielle pulled away. Stefania shot her a questioning look. Danielle just laughed.
"I'll go take a shower. I'll see you downstairs for breakfast."
"Fine" Stefania sighed.
With that Danielle left the room.

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