10 | The revelation

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The next day, Sunday. It wasn't even noon when Ladybug and Cat Noir had to fight the evil.
—Capoeira Master, I'm Hawk Moth. Your friends don't care about you anymore? You are not important for them? Well, I'm giving you the powers to take revenge so they'll know how important you are, but in return I want Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous. —Hawk Moth told Tiago
—Yes, Hawk Moth. —Tiago answered

Adrien was in his house watching the news.
—That's Tiago, right? It's my fault... —Adrien said to himself
—Plagg, come on. We have to fight him.
—Give me 5 more minutes, please.
—Now, Plagg, claws out!

Cat Noir left the house and went where the villain was supposed to be.
—Good moves, You've been practicing, haven't you? —Cat Noir told Capoeira Master

The villain with just a kick, threw Cat Noir away.
—I better shut up... —He said lying on the street
—Am I late? —Ladybug said
—No, I just annoyed the Capoeira Master.
—Capoeira? the Brazilian martial-arts?
—Yes. He's really strong by the way.
—What should we do?
—Let me use my...
—Lucky charm!
—Wood sticks?

Ursa Major and Lottie Lup showed up.
—What we have here? —Lottie said
—If I'm not wrong, that's our Brazilian friend, Tiago. —Ursa added
—How can we defeat him?
—The Capoeira can be a type of self defense or dance. I suggest... If you want to fight him put some music, so he will start dancing and he won't hurt you.
—What kind of music?
—Just... make a melody with drums.
—That's what these wood sticks are for! Ursa and I will hit those trash cans, while Lottie Lup will tie up the villain. Cat Noir, you know what to do.

Ursa Major and Ladybug grabbed trash cans to make music. They started hitting them.
—Ladybug, you aren't making a good rhythm, our beats must create a melody!
—I know, this isn't sounding well...
—He's getting angry, what should we-

The Capoeira Master started going after them. So they all ran.
—What's the plan now? —Cat Noir asked
—Get to the roof everybody! —Ladybug shouted

They all got to the roof so they could talk peacefully.
—Well, we better think of something else.
—I have an idea. —Cat Noir said
—Listen, It's a little bit improvised but it could work. I need someone to bring him in this street in front of the building we are. So I jump to get him and you know the rest. What do you think?
—I don't know, Cat Noir. It doesn't sound like a plan to me. —Ladybug replied
—But we have nothing to lose, let's do it. —Ursa Major said
—Okay, so... Lottie, I need you to tie him or at least his legs.
—I will. —She answered
—Wait. Where are the wood sticks? I need them to return everything back to normal. —Ladybug said
—I will look for them, you take care of distracting the villain. —Ursa Major said

Ladybug called out the villain and ran to get him where Cat Noir said. Lottie Lup stunned him and Ladybug with her yo-yo wrapped his feet.
—Cataclysm! —He said while he was in the air
—No more evil doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize!
—Gotcha. Bye bye, little butterfly.

—Where's Ursa?
—Here. Catch the sticks! —Ursa Major said before throwing them
—Miraculous Ladybug!
—Pound it. —The four of them

—Hey, buddy. Are you okay? —Cat Noir asked Tiago
—I think, I don't know what happened. I remember I was sad because my friends didn't invite me to their sleepover and then I appeared here.
—There must be a misunderstanding, did you talk to them?
—No. I haven't talk to them since Friday.
—Well, you should talk about it. But don't be sad, you can hang out other time.
—Yes, thank you... Black Cat?
—It's actually Cat Noir, in French.
—Sure. I will go to my apartment now, see ya.

We're meant to be together [Adrinette] *CORRECTING*Where stories live. Discover now