13 | The runway

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Sunday. It was early in the morning, Adrien was in the place of the runway getting ready while his father was at home.
—Nathalie, How many days has it been since Felix came?
—Nine days, sir.
—Should I tell Adrien?
—That was the plan.
—I wouldn't worry but I know Felix will find a way to tell Adrien even though he's not here, and my son can't know from other people. I will tell him at night.
—All right. Are you ready for the runway?

While Nathalie and Gabriel had this conversation, Marinette arrived where Adrien was.
—Good morning.
—Good morning, bugaboo.
—You look really handsome, are you ready for it? I heard is special because there's a lot of International models here.
—Is special because you are here. I'm glad you came because I don't know if my father is coming, he always disappoints me.
—Don't worry, he will be here.

Adrien's bodyguard opened the door and Lila entered.
—Hi, Adrien.
—What are you doing here, Lila?
—I love fashion, obviously I was going to come. I just came here to give you good vibes although I know you are used to this. A piece of cake, right?
Well I gotta go, I have more friends modeling today, nice to see you both.

Lila turned around and smile evilly. She left the dressing room.
—I have a bad feeling...
—Don't worry, Marinette. Don't let her annoy you, okay? Maybe if you don't pay attention to her she won't bother you.
—You are right. I'm here for you, I don't want to involve in her problems.

The bodyguard opened the door and a man peeked out.
—Adrien, I need you to go with all the models out there, we are about to start. —The man said
—Okay, just a sec.
—I will take my seat, you'll nailed it. —Marinette said
—Thank you. —He said and winked at her

Both of them left the dressing room. Adrien went where all the models were waiting and Marinette took her respective seat.

*Lila in her mind*
Marinette thinks she won because she is dating Adrien but It doesn't finish there. Strike three, Marinette. You messed with the wrong person.

Marinette sat down. She got a good seat in the front, Lila sat behind her on purpose.
—Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Fashion Show of the year. We will have models from all over the world, and of course, Audrey Bourgeois and Gabriel Agreste couldn't have missed. Thank you for attending today, you probably have a full schedule. So, let's get started. —The presenter said

The music started playing and one by one, the models were showing their clothes in the catwalk. Lila was waiting for Adrien to walk in and do her mischief. Lila put itching powder in her back.

—Marinette, is something bothering you? —Lila asked

Marinette was really uncomfortable but she didn't make a scandal to avoid interrupting Adrien's moment. But there was a moment when she couldn't resist anymore and ran out of the place.
—Marinette, wait!
—Was this your plan, Lila? You came here for this?
—No, Adrien. I told you I came here to support my friends.
—Stop lying, Lila. I can't stand you.
—Well, I don't like Marinette, you know that. But this isn't about you anymore, this is about revenge.
—Stay away from us or you will suffer the consequences.
—Don't make my laugh. What are you going to do, pretty boy?
—I won't do anything. I'm pretty sure you will get what you deserve.
—We'll see. Remember, I'm always one step ahead of you. I won't rest until everyone gets my revenge, starting with Ladybug.
—You're incredibly insane. I don't know why I wasted so much time talking to you. —Adrien said

We're meant to be together [Adrinette] *CORRECTING*Where stories live. Discover now