Final message

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Thank you if you read this far. I know is not a popular story but I'm glad to have some views. Excuse me because there were lots of mistakes (and maybe there are some that I haven't seen) but you didn't stop reading, I appreciate it.
I have these ideas so I wanted to write them, this is the first story I finish because all the others weren't good enough.
This story was more focus on Adrinette and Ladynoir. Sorry because there was only one scene of  Marichat and Ladrien.
The characters of Elena and Miranda are based on my best friend and me. Tiago was inspired in a Brazilian boy who was in my school for exchange too.
I gave you a Lukloe scene because I personally like the ship but don't worry, I just wanted an interaction between them.
Just to make clear something, I know in the chapter "The Opposite Day" the sentimonster can only get that form because of the statue but imagine it was a shapeshifter one.

If you want me to continue the story, let me know. Comment, vote for your favorite chapters or send me a message. I would like to continue it but only if I know you will read it. I want to focus on my own stories so if I write it, It would be at the end of the year or beginning of the next one.

That's it, thank you again.


We're meant to be together [Adrinette] *CORRECTING*Where stories live. Discover now