12 | The opposite day

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It was a new school day in Françoise DuPont High School. The teens were in their first hour.
—Will we have the class? Ms. Bustier isn't here because of her baby. —Alya asked everyone
—I don't know. Maybe we have a replacement teacher. Let's wait. —Marinette answered Alya

A few minutes later, Mr. Damocles came in the classroom.
—Good morning, students.
—Good morning, Mr. Damocles. —The class said
—I know you should have your literature class but your replacement teacher would be here tomorrow. So... I will give you the class today.
—You? What do you know about history and literature? —Chloe said in a rude way
—I know I'm not a teacher, Miss Bourgeois. But I will do my best. So tell me what was the last thing you saw.
—Well, we saw... —Someone barely said
—Wait, you know what? —Mr. Damocles interrupted the student
—We will talk about something you have never heard about. Have you ever listened about the Opposite Day?
—The Opposite Day? What is that? —Alix asked
—Well, I'm glad you asked. This day is usually celebrated in January 25th, basically, you can declare that is the Opposite Day when you act or say something that's not common for you.
—So, If I said I lie it really means I don't lie? —Lila asked
—That's right, young lady. —The principal said
—You can also do actions you usually don't do and everything that doesn't fit you.
—Guys, let's make it today. —Adrien said openly
—I'm in.
—This is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.
—It's like a game Chloe, it will be fun. —Sabrina said
—Okay, but just here in school. —Chloe added
—Well, now I'm going to stay and you don't have a homework that is not to read a book. —Mr. Damocles said and left

The classes were over and the people were about to leave school.
—Marinette. —Adrien said smiling at Marinette
—Why are you smiling like that?
—Because I have an idea, well, I don't have an idea for Opposite Day.
—Okay, tell me.
—We should exchange our "jewelry" —Adrien said making quotations with his fingers
—Are you sure?
—I want to be Mister bug just one more time, please. —He whispered in her ear

Marinette took off her earrings and gave it to Adrien. He did the same with his ring.
—Only for a day, okay?
—Take care of Tikki. —She whispered him
—Good luck with Plagg. —Adrien whispered back
—Bye, I'm mean... hi Marinette.

Marinette laughed.
—Hi, Adrien. See you soon I guess.

They left school. Adrien arrived first.
—Goodbye everybody.
—Goodbye? Is something wrong with you, son?
—No, father. Is just because of the Opposite Day.
—The Opposite Day? It sounds a dumb invention by a clown.
—I don't know who invented, father. But is today in school maybe in all Paris. Alya posted in the Ladyblog so I guess is official.

Gabriel sighed.
—Are you wearing earrings?
—Yes, they are Marinette's. I gave her my ring and she gave me her earrings. Isn't that sweet?
—She better not lose it.
—Don't worry, I trust her.

Adrien went to his room. He threw himself to bed almost at the same time as Marinette arrived to her house.
—Tikki. —Marinette said calling her kwami
—I'm not sugarcube, I'm Plagg.
—Oh, It's true. Did you just say sugarcube?
—Are you sad because of me?
—No, but I tell Tikki all my problems.
—You should wait for her, is your thing. Beautiful room by the way, do you have cheese?
—Cheese? Hmm, maybe. Where are you going?            —Plagg- wait!

At Adrien's.
—Do you want some cheese, Plagg? —Adrien asked
—I'm Tikki.
—Of course, I forgot we exchange Kwamis too.
—Is good to see you, Adrien.
—I can't believe we will be working again.
—It was your idea after all.
—Wait a minute... I didn't give Marinette cheese, Plagg would be annoying her if he doesn't eat!
—She also didn't give you macaroons but I'm not as ravenous as Plagg.

We're meant to be together [Adrinette] *CORRECTING*Where stories live. Discover now