17 | The farewell party

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Adrien went to sleep, and Ladybug waited for her friends. It was around 10 pm when the Mexican girls and their guardian arrived to the Agreste Mansion.
—Hey, sorry for being late.
—Don't worry, the important thing is that you are here.
—He is our guardian. He will be a couple of days in Paris. —Lottie Lup said and introduced him
—Nice to meet you.
—They told me you are the guardian. I hope you are being responsible. —He said
—Yes, sir. I recuperated the stolen miraculous.

—What a tough day. —Ursa Major said and sighed
—I know, let's do this.
—Where is Gabriel? —Lottie Lup asked

Ladybug looked at the closet and the door was opened.
—He was in the closet, he couldn't have scape because he was tied up.
—Maybe the bodyguard knows.

They looked at the bodyguard and he ignored them.
—Where's Gabriel? —Ladybug asked him and approached him very intimidating

In order he was scared and intimated, he pointed at the kitchen.
—Not so fast, Gabriel. —Ladybug said

He was about to cut the ropes to untie. The girls and the guardian took Nathalie and him to the backyard.
—Ursa, you will do this job. —the guardian said
—Me? Why me? —She said confused
—I want you to take control of it. There you go. —He said and gave the owl miraculous

—Listen carefully. If you don't want the others to know your identity, you should combine both miraculous. Just say "Toby, Colli, unify" and then you say "Toby, divide" so you'll have just the owl miraculous. You can do this.

Ursa Major sighed and concentrated. She put the owl miraculous on.
—Toby, Colli, unify.

—Toby, divide.

—I don't know how to use the special power, master. —She said
—I didn't tell any of you not to use it as a game, it is for this kind of cases. As you know, for erasing just some memories you use a spell for specific people. In this case you need to concentrate a lot in this two people and said the word "Amnesia". You understand?
—Yes, master.

She was trying to concentrate but she listened a indistinct mumbling. 
—Be quiet, please. I want to do this right.
—But we didn't speak. —Her friend told her
—Girls, a few steps behind, please. —The guardian told the others

Ladybug and Lottie Lup obeyed him.
—Don't hesitate in yourself, Ursa Major. I believe in you. I chose you because I see something in you that is hard to find. Your miraculous is one of the most powerful of all, show what you are capable of.

Ursa Major didn't say anything, actually, she really concentrated. She thought in Gabriel and Natalie and then said the words.
—Amnesia! —She said moving her hands in circles in front of them
—Our work is done. Give me the owl miraculous, please.
—Toby, Colli, unify.

—Colli, divide. —Ursa Major said and returned the owl miraculous

—Before leaving, come here Ladybug. I want to tell you something. —He said
—Yes, master?
—I want to say congratulations for your efforts, it must be hard being a Guardian and also being a miraculous carrier. At your short age you have done great things as the girls told me. You have a partner, right?
—Of course, we are inseparable.
—Well, I know I'm in charge of another miracle box but if you have any doubt, you can ask me. I will be here for a month.
—Thank you.

—See you later, Ladybug. —Lottie Lup said

The guardian and the girls left the Agreste Mansion. Adrien walked in.
—Why am I tied up? —Gabriel asked
—Who are you? —Nathalie asked Gabriel and then asked the same to Ladybug

We're meant to be together [Adrinette] *CORRECTING*Where stories live. Discover now