15 | Catastrophe (Part 1)

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It was the begging of a school week. Monday at first hour. The students of Françoise DuPont High School were arriving to school.
—Hey, Marinette. —Alya said after Nino and she approached Mari
—Hi, guys. How was your weekend?
—Good, thank you. We saw you on TV, yesterday. What happened?

Marinette sighed.
—Did I look terrible? It was Lila's fault!
—Don't worry, at least they called you "Adrien Agreste's girlfriend".
—Talking about him, my dude's is here! —Nino added
—What happened to him? He looks like he hadn't have a good weekend. —Alya said
—He received bad news yesterday and he couldn't sleep. —Marinette answered
—Oh, poor Adrien.
—Hey, guys. —Adrien said and fell on Marinette's shoulder because she was really sleepy
—Did you sleep?
—Hmm... like 2 hours. Maybe.
—Did your father let you come like that?
—He didn't see me because he is busy, you know...
—Yes, Adrien we know he works a lot. —Marinette said interrupting him in case he spilled something
—I don't want to be at home, besides, I don't think everyone realizes I didn't sleep.

The three of them looked at each other knowing that it wasn't a real fact.
—Let's go inside the classroom then.

They all went into the classroom.
—Good morning, students. Let's start with the chemistry class. —Mrs. Mendeleiv said
—Are you going to check the projects? —Max asked the teacher
—Max! —Almost all of the class complained
—Yes, leave them on my desk, please.

—What happened to your perfect model face, Adrikins? —Chloe asked him
—What's wrong with my face?
—You have bags under your eyes, that's not healthy. It was surely because of Dupain-Cheng, wasn't it?
—No. Marinette has nothing to do with it. I had nightmares yesterday night and I couldn't sleep correctly.
—Poor, Adrikins. Don't watch horror movies at night. —She said and hugged him making him feel uncomfortable

—Enough, Bourgeois and Agreste. You are taking valuable time of my class, go to your respective tables. —Mrs. Mendeleiv said

They went to their seats in the lab. Adrien sat down next to Marinette.
—Okay, listen carefully because we are going to work with an exothermic reaction. To a small portion of sodium you will add only one drop of water.
—Just one! —The teacher repeated the instruction
—And don't hold the test tube with your hand, please. Start.

Marinette started with the experiment while Adrien was fighting to stay awake.
—Yes? Can I help you?
—I was going to say that you should keep apart the table in case it has a bad reaction.
—Please, let me help you.
—Okay, add 1 drop of water to it.
—Okay, no problem.

*Adrien in his mind*
She told me one drop, but how I measure one drop?

Marinette distracted a little, while Adrien started putting water drops.
—Adrien, how many drops did you put on it?
—One, I thought. —Adrien said still sleepy
—It didn't look like one! —Marinette replied

In just a few seconds, the experiment exploded.
—Adrien Agreste, what did I tell you? Go to the principal's office, now!
—I'm sorry, Miss.

Adrien stood up and left the classroom. Marinette wanted to go with him but she better waited for the break. When the recess started, she started looking for him.
—Adrien! —Marinette screamed
—Over here. —He replied
—Are you okay? Why didn't you went back to your house?
—I don't want to be with my father, he will probably be doing evil things.
—Did you sleep?
—A few minutes because it was a physical education class in front of me and they screamed a lot. I will sleep when I get home.

Nino and Alya approached them.
—Hey, Adrien.

Elena and Miranda were calling Marinette.
—The girls are calling me, Can you watch Adrien? I will be right back.
—He's not a baby why-
—What's going on, Adrien? You must have something.
—Is hard to explain...
—Don't worry, dude. We will understand.
—Hmm... I don't know if I can tell you.
—It's that bad?
—Yes, it's worrisome.
—My father is Hawk Moth... —He said through his teeth
—What? I didn't understand.
—My father is...
—Louder, please! —Nino and Alya asked
—My father is Hawk Moth! —He literally screamed

We're meant to be together [Adrinette] *CORRECTING*Where stories live. Discover now