Before reading info

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A few things to know before you read.
-Wild Card has a crush on Banshee
-Banshee likes him too but is iffy about it cause he is kind of a bully (don't fight me on this we all know he is)
-Banshee is only either 1 or a few years older then A Capella making her the same age as Wild Card
-i have another Wild Card fanfic if you want to read it check my profile

and with all of that being said happy reading and i hope you enjoy this book :) -author

extra note: many people have commented on the name of this book. literally the name is the line from the Victorious song Freak The Freak Out. ya know where is goes "I scream your name it always stays the same. I scream and shout so what i'm gonna do now is freak the freak out." the title has no sexual intentions i promise it just seemed like a good title considering Banshee's power :) sorry so many of you took it the wrong way.

ps i also decided to add the song above if none of you have heard it. i thought the song fit well with the story and my characters powers so i named the book after the line.

I Scream Your Name (Wild Card x OC)Where stories live. Discover now