Chapter One

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I was sleeping peacefully in my bed when suddenly I heard, "🎶Good morning Banshee wake up🎶". I groaned and rolled over at the sound of my sister singing.

"A Capella do you really have to sing me awake every morning?"

"🎶yes🎶 Now get up." She sang then said.

"Ugh okay I'm up. I'm up." I said shooing her out.

I rolled out of bed and hit the floor with a thud. I groaned in pain as I got up from the floor.

I walked to my closet and put on an olive green tank top with black jeans. (outfit visual up top👆🏻ignore the bag) I put on some white high tops and checked my outfit in the mirror.

"Looks good." I mumbled to myself then heading to the bathroom.

I brushed my long light brown hair and decided to keep it down. I added some mascara to my top lashes just to make my eyes pop and walked out to the kitchen.

"Morning Mom." I said to her.

"Good morning Banshee." She said smiling at me. She handed me a plate of eggs and toast. "Thank you." I said to her.

I walked to the table and sat down. "Morning A Capella." I said sitting next to her.

"Morning." She said smiling at me.

Soon Mom joined us at the table and we all ate our breakfast. We all put our plates in the dishwasher and brushed our teeth before heading out the door.

We got into the car and Mom turned on the radio. The whole way to headquarters Mom and A Capella would not stop singing. I sighed and looked out the window.

When we got to headquarters we split up from Mom and a guard lead us to the stronghold. Of course when we walked in everyone was pretending to work even though technically school hadn't started yet.

Me and A Capella took a seat next to each other in the back of the middle row. When the guard left and the door shut everyone resumed what they were doing.

I got up and walked over to Fast Forward who was chilling in the back. "Hey Fast Forward." I sat sitting next to her.

"Hey Banshee. Did your Mom get called in today too?" She asked.

"Yeah. Did yours?"

"Yeah both of my parents did. They said everyone is getting called in." She told me.

"Oh, so it's gonna be a fun day." I said excitedly. "I'm so glad. I thought today was going to be super boring but a full Heroic team battle is gonna be awesome."

"I know right." She said laughing.

"i KnOw rIgHt." Rewind said from behind Fast Forward mocking her.

"Shut up!" She said to him. She skipped forward to when he walked away.

"Still don't like each other?" I asked not surprised.

"At all." She replied. I laughed. "Well it's not like you and A Capella are besties." She said to me.

"That's different. I don't hate her. Her and my Moms endless singing just annoys me sometimes."

"Fair point. That's understandable."

"Exactly." I said. I felt eyes on my and I looked around to see who it was and saw nobody.

"What's up?" Fast Forward asked me.

"Nothing I just had the feeling I was being watched." I said shrugging it off and turning back to her.

Little did she know that it was actually Wild Card who was staring at her (😏)

I continued my conversation with Fast Forward but I still couldn't shake that feeling that someone was watching me. I did my best to ignore it.

Eventually the feeling stopped. Then we heard someone yell and then soon me and Fast Forward watched Wild Card fly across the room.

We just all looked at him. "Quit your staring." He said.

I scoffed rolled my eyes and looked to Fast Forward. "A-" I looked over and saw Guppy standing behind me looking at me. "Butthole." I corrected.

Guppy went and sat in my lap messing with her powers. I tickled her a little and she laughed. Me and Fast Forward continued with our conversation.

"Wanna go see what Ojo is drawing today?" I asked her out of the blue.

"Sure." She said.

We got up and walked over to Ojo. I carried Guppy on my hip. I tapped Ojo's shoulder. "Hey Ojo do you mind if we look at your drawings?" I asked her.

She smiled and nodded yes handing Guppy her ipad. She scrolled through and we saw a kid standing on chairs floating chairs, an exercise ball exploding, and a girl standing in front of the class.

I shrugged the last drawing off cause Ojo's drawings really never make sense. "Good job Ojo they look really nice."

I handed her back her ipad smiling and she smiled back. "Yeah they looked amazing Ojo." Fast Forward said from next to me.

Then we turned around we saw Noodles with his head against the door.

"Guys someone's coming!" He yelled.

I set down Guppy and we all ran back to our seats. I took my seat near A Capella again. I took out my laptop and books and pencil.

I opened my laptop and stared at it pretending to work on school stuff. Everyone else was doing the same. Then the door to the stronghold opened up.

I Scream Your Name (Wild Card x OC)Where stories live. Discover now