Chapter Five

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Facemaker walked out of the door to get the guards to come inside. When he came back in he ran to Noodles and Wild Card at the couch getting ready to grab a cushion. Three guards followed one shutting the door behind them.

"So don't ask us how we know this, but aliens are about to attack, and we're no longer safe here." Missy said.

"This place is a fortress. Nothing's getting in. And I'm afraid no one's getting out either. Those are the rules."

"Oof! Then we're definitely getting out of here, and so we're gonna need your access cards. Like, now."

He laughed at us. "And you think we'll just hand these to you?"

"Oh, no of course not. We just thought it would have been easier if you did so we figured we'd ask anyway but sense you won't..." I trailed off.

"Cushions." Missy called to the boys.

Wild Card, Facemaker, and Noodles came up setting cushions down in front of the guards. They then joined us in line.

"What are these for?" The guard asked.

"Tell him, Guppy." Missy said.

"To protect your butts when you hit the ground." She said walking up with her arms crossed.

"Why don't you get back in line?" He said trying to shoo her back. Oh this is gonna be good.

She grabbed his wrist and flipped him onto the cushion. "Oh, no!" He yelled. She grabbed the other guy and pushed him on to the other cushion.

"She's got shark strength!" He yelled.
She kicked the guard into the hanging chair. "Have a nice nap." She said waving. I walked up to her.

"Guppy have I ever told you that you're my favorite." I said to her. She smiled.

"Banshee watch out!" I heard Wild Card yell.

I turned around and saw the third guard coming at me. I screamed at him blowing him back.

Noodles stretched his arm and grabbed his access card handing it to Missy. He then grabbed the other guards cards.

"Aliens really are about to attack, so we will have to leave your expert care until you and Ms. Granada know what we know." Missy said. Then the alarm went off.

The guard had pressed the button making bars go over the door. "This was a bad idea." Fast Forward said to Missy.

"Wheels, next time this happens, don't let the guard reach the alarm. Noodles, you'll take his jacket and cuff them." Missy said.

"What next time? You kids aren't-" He stopped when he heard a noise coming from the fan.

It stopped moving and alien tentacles came out. He screamed. Wild Card turned to Missy.

"I told you your plan wouldn't work!" He said crossing his arms.

"Wild Card move!" I yelled running up to him to push him out of the way. But the alien grabbed both of us.We struggled against it trying to get out.

"No! Rewind, send us back." Missy said.

"So we will have to leave your expert care until you and Ms. Granada know what we know." Missy said again.

Me and Wild Card were now safely on the ground again. We looked to each other.

"Thanks for warning me I guess." I mumbled to him.

"Thanks for trying to save me or whatever." He replied. We both smiled awkwardly at each other.

Wheels went after the guard and put his wheel on him to stop him from pressing the button.

Noodles cuffed the guard, took the other one's jacket, and cuffed him too.

"Come on, let's go!" Missy said.

"Single file line! Like a fire drill. We'll be questioned less that way." Wheels said.

Me and Wild Card ran to the door but stopped when we heard the fan. Me, him, and Missy looked to it.

The tentacles popped out again. "Beginners luck." He said to her.

"Oh shut up. She saved you and me both now let's go!" I said pushing him out the door behind Missy.

We shut the door and got in line. "Noodles stretch make yourself tall!" Missy said.

We followed behind Noodles until we got questioned and the alarm went off then we started running down the hall.

We all ran to the lobby and headed for the doors but before we could get to them they sealed off.

"We're in trouble." Guppy said.

We all turned to run the other way but were met with guards. Pretty soon they surrounded us.

"That was our only exit!" Missy said.

"Not our only one!" Wild Card said pointing up.

"Are you insane? How are we supposed to get up there?" Fast Forward asked.

"A Capella? You made furniture float. Can you do the same with people?" Missy asked.

"To go up high, I have to sing very...🎶low🎶"

Some of the guards floated in the air making a human latter. "Climb as fast as you can!" Wild Card said.

"I'll handle the other guards!" I said. While everyone climbed up I screamed making the rest of the guards crash into walls getting knocked out.

I then climbed behind Missy with A Capella behind me. "Come on Pella!" i yelled to her.

I climbed out behind Missy. "Don't let them follow us!" She told us.

Me and A Capella went to the opening. "🎶adios🎶" She sung. One guard was still handling so I screamed down the hole making him fall onto...cushions?

"Noodles, access cards!" Wild Card yelled. Noodles stretched his arm and swiped the card.

We all piled into the tram sitting down letting it take us out of the building.

"We did it." Fast Forward said.

"Yeah, we did it." Missy agreed.

"But the tram will only take us to just outside the force field, then they'll catch us for sure. Look! They're already mobilizing!" Wheels said pointing out the window.

"Brace yourselves!" Missy yelled.

I grabbed onto the poll next to me and the bottom of the seat. "You too, Guppy." Missy said. Guppy glared at her and aggressively grabbed the pole.

"A Capella, make us fly." Wild Card said.

She stood up and started singing. "🎶ahhhhhh🎶" She gradually got lower and the tram started to shake. We all sat down again.

Her eyes started glowing and we lifted off the ground cheering. We flew right over the guards heads.

A Capella started fluctuated and signaling that she couldn't steer. "She can't steer!" I yelled.

"We're going to crash into the building!" Missy yelled pointing at the building.

"We need to change directions!" Wheels yelled.

"I'm on it." Noodles yelled.

He punched out the window and held onto the pole jumping out and wrapping himself around a parking lot light.

We started spinning. We saw his hand slipping. "Help him out!" Missy yelled. We grabbed his hand.

His hand slipped out and Missy and Rewind grabbed it as he held onto the window.

We kept spinning until he let go and we flew off and pulled him back in safely.

Facemaker made a face at the guards below to taunt them.

I Scream Your Name (Wild Card x OC)Where stories live. Discover now