Chapter Two

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None of us looked up when the door opened. We only looked up when we were spoken to.

"Everyone...this is Missy. She will be joining you today. Missy, I'd appreciate it if you would take a seat right there and quietly continue your studies along with the other children." Ms. Granada told her.

She walked over and took a seat next to Fast Forward. "Children...thank you all for respecting my rules. Your parents will be very proud when I tell them of your exceptional behavior. Well done." She chuckled and walked out.

When the guard shut the door we waited for the all clear. Noodles stretched his neck over to the door and listened for a moment.

"She's gone!" He whisper yelled.

We all cheered. A Capella got up and sang making herself fly. I just got up and messed around with Fast Forward in the back.

A Capella eventually came over and tapped my shoulder. I turned to look at her.

"Come on let's go introduce ourselves to the new girl." She said.

"Okay." I said getting up leaving Fast Forward.

As we walked over we heard Wheels say, "She only speaks through her drawings."

"🎶Don't speak I know just what you're saying🎶" A Capella sang looking at Ojo. I just crossed my arms and stood next to her.

"No, you don't. You have no clue what she's saying." Noodles said.

"And this is A Capella." Wheels said.

"It me." A Capella replied.

"That's your superpower? You can sing?" Missy asked her.

"Yep, but I have an unusual range. I can go 🎶low🎶 or I can go 🎶high🎶 I can even go really..." She said singing at her highest plugging one ear with her finger.

"I don't hear anything." Missy said.

"It's beyond human hearing." She replied.

Then the speaker came on "Miss A Capella Vox, would you please refrain from using your high voice. Every dog in the neighborhood has surrounded our building." Ms. Granada said.

We all laughed. "And she can sing so low that she moves objects. Show her how you make things float!" Wheels said.

She turned around and sang really low. The room started to shake. Three chairs floated into the air. Facemaker climbed them and flexed when he stood on the top one.

He then jumped onto the table and A Capella stopped singing dropping the chairs. She walked away waving to Missy. So much for introducing ourselves.

"And this is Banshee. She is A Capella's older sister." Wheels said pointing to me. I waved.

"Can you sing too?" She asked me.

"Oh, no. I can't sing. She can sing." I said pointing back to A Capella. "Unless of course you put me in a screamo band." I joked.

Missy looked at me confused. "Everyone cover your ears!" I announced. I checked and saw everyone covering their ears. I then screamed like, well, a banshee.

Once I stopped everyone uncovered their ears. "As you can see the nickname fits well. Anyway, nice meeting you." I said smiling and walking back to Fast Forward and Rewind.

We heard and crash and looked back. "Oh, dude! Rewind clean up on aisle two." Wheels said.

Rewind went to fix the issue while me and Fast Forward kept doing our thing.

"Watch this." She whispered to me.

She skipped time forward. We waited for people to notice. "Fast Forward, are you at it again?" Wheels asked.

She stood up walking forward. "You were taking so long, I skipped you forward a bit. Sorry, not sorry." She told him. I snickered.

"She and Rewind are twins. Opposite powers." Rewind walked next to Fast Forward as Wheels spoke. "The only thing they agree on is that they don't like each other."

"At all." They said at the same time then glaring at each other. I laughed quietly.

"They're twins. It's crazy right?" Wheels asked her.

Fast Forward sat down with me again. "And then, there's our fearless leader, Wild Card." Wheels said I chose to stop listening on that part.

"You and Rewind have really got to work out your issues." I said to her.

"Shut up." She said to me.

"Okay." I said putting my hands up in surrender. "It was just a suggestion."

"So, new girl, what's your superpower?" I heard Wild Card ask. I stood up walking over to hear better.

"Yeah, uh, so with the whole powers thing-"

"Wait a second. I remember you. You're Marcus Moreno's kid." Facemaker said pointing at her.

"Yeah, my Dad hasn't gone in any missions for a while, so I've been chilling with the normal kids."

"Why would they put a kid with superpowers in with the normal kids? Oh, I get it. You don't have any powers." Wild Card said.

I backhanded his shoulder. "Stop being so mean Wild Card so what if she doesn't have powers." I said to him.

"What? I'm just stating the obvious." He said to me.

"Well let me state the obvious. You're a jerk." I said. He rolled his eyes at me.

"You're powerless?" Wheels asked her.

"Whatever. Can we put on the TV? I wanna see if there's any news about our parents." She said sitting down.

We all went back to our seats. Fast Forward sat next to me instead of A Capella.

I Scream Your Name (Wild Card x OC)Where stories live. Discover now