Chapter Nine

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We ran until we found the supply ship. We stopped behind a rock to look at it.

"Look, there's the supply ship. Just like in Ojo's drawing!" Missy said.

We saw the aliens going away into the tall bushes. "Ew. Gross!" We all said watching them slither away.

"Shh. Keep it down!" Missy said. "Wait. Wait a second. Let's go."

We all ran toward the ship. When we got in I set Guppy down and Wheels parked his chair in front of the control seat.

"Now shut the door and let's get the heck out of here." Missy said to Wheels. We saw him counting heads.

"Wheels, can you-"

"No! We're not all here!" Wheels said interrupting her.

"What? Who's missing?" Fast Forward asked. She looked out and sighed. "Oh..."

We all looked out and Slo-Mo was running as fast as he could to the ship which was slow.

"Slo-Mo! Cut it out! Run!" Wild Card said. We all yelled to him encouraging him trying to see if he could speed up.

"Hurry! They're coming back!" Guppy yelled.

We looked out and saw the aliens had heard us and were headed back to the ship.

"Ten to one says he's tentacled." Facemaker said.

"Dude!" Wheels exclaimed.

"Come on, Slo-Mo!" Wild Card yelled the rest of us joining in.

A Capella started singing the Chariots of Fire tune. I rolled my eyes at my sister. The aliens were getting closer.

"All right, hold me down!" Noodles said. Facemaker and Wheels grabbed him and me and Wild Card held Wheels' chair.

Noodles stretched his arm out and grabbed Slo-Mo picking him up and pulling him in.

"Yes!" Wheels yelled turning around and pressing a button. The door shut and alien tentacles hit the glass. I jumped and grabbed Wild Card. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Wheels, tell me you figured this out!" Missy said.

"It's actually incredibly intuitive." Wheels replied. He pressed another button and we all fell back as a force field surrounded the ship.

"Please just choose any button!" Missy yelled.

"It might be one of these." He said pressing another. The force field came down again. Another set of tentacles hit the glass cracking it.

Rewind wrapped his arms around me and Wild Card and we all screamed. Guppy ran over and pressed a random button.

The engine started and we flew up into the air toward the mother ship. Rewind let go of me and Wild Card and I left Wild Cards grip.

I walked over to Fast Forward looking out the window with her as Wild Card went to the middle.

"But now what?" Noodles asked.

"Don't worry. Any minute now, Ojo's gonna draw a picture of all of us smiling and hugging out parents. Isn't that right, Ojo?" Missy asked.

Ojo shook her head no. "Oh, that's just great." Noodles said.

As I looked out the window with Fast Forward I heard Wild Card talking to Missy.

"Hey...why did you choose me to share the idea of looking at Ojo's ipad?" He asked her.

"I don't know. I guess I know how hard it feels when everyone expects so much from you, and you feel like you can't deliver." Missy replied.

She has a point. I never really considered the fact that he feels helpless all the time.

"Do you believe I can?" He asked her.

"We all believe you can." Missy replied.

"Tell that to my parents."

"I will, right after we rescue them." Missy replied.

Wow I never considered the reason he was mean was because he felt bad about himself.

I walked over to him and hugged him. "What? Does this mean I'm doing better?" He asked me wrapping his arms around me.

"Yep. You're getting there. I'm proud of you." I said.

I felt him sigh and rest his head on mine. "Thank you." I heard him say.

I looked over and saw Fast Forward smirking and I gave her a shut up look while rolling my eyes.

We looked out the window until we saw the mother ship ahead. We headed into the docking bay.

We landed and a small hole opened up. "I'm gonna go check it out." Noodles said stretching his neck out to look around. "We're all good." He said bringing his neck in.

The door opened and we all walked out. Wild Card held onto my hand and I decided to let him.

"Am I just really small, or is this ship really big?" Guppy asked.

"It's enormous." Rewind said.

"Yeah. How are we gonna find our parents?" Fast Forward asked.

"I was thinking about that." Wheels said. "Ms. Granada found us really easily back at Grandma's house, and I think I know how, your bracelet." Wheels said taking Missy's bracelet.

"I haven't been able to contact my Dad." Missy said.

"But maybe the transmitter in here that connects the two bracelets works like a tracking device. But I need a pair of pliers and a heat source."

"My teeth are strong because my Dad's a shark." Guppy said bitting.

"Perfect." Wheels replied.

I elbowed Wild Card. "And I've got a heat source. Heat vision!" He yelled.

He didn't get heat vision. Instead he shape shifted into a toaster. "And now he's a toaster." Facemaker said.

Noodles picked him up and handed him to me. Toast came up out of it. "Good job bub." I said handing him to Wheels.

"Close enough." Wheels said. He got to work fixing the bracelet to help us track our parents.

"Okay I'm done." Wheels said handing the bracelet back to Missy.

Wild Card turned back to normal and I hugged him. Missy put on the bracelet and it started beeping.

"Let's go!" Missy said. We all ran off down the ships halls.

I Scream Your Name (Wild Card x OC)Where stories live. Discover now