Chapter Four

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"Yeah, right. They can't protect us from that. We just saw it." Noodles said.

"You got a better idea?" Wild Card asked.

"We should probably do what Ms. Granada says." Guppy said.

"Uh, pardon me, but-" Missy started.

"The last look on my Dad's face will haunt me forever." Facemaker said imitating the last look on his Dad's face.

"What do they want from us?" A Capella asked.

"Slavery, our planet, our resources." I said counting the reasons in my fingers.

"Do you think our parents are okay?" Rewind asked.

"Uh, excuse me?" Missy said.

"What?" Wild Card asked.

"We need to leave this room right now." Missy said standing up.

"Why?" Guppy asked.

"Because the aliens know where we are, and they're coming for us next."

Wild Card scoffed. "How could you possibly know that?"

Missy walked over to Ojo. "Can I borrow this a minute?" She took Ojo's ipad and walked to the front of the room.

"Ojo drew these. Facemaker standing on top of the floating chairs, Noodles smashing the exercise ball..."

"She draws what she sees, big deal." Wild Card said. I took my hand out of his and slapped his chest.

"Shut up. She's onto something." I told him.

"She drew these things five minutes before they happened. Ojo's superpower isn't that she can draw, she can draw the future."

"Okay, cool. Good for Ojo. What's your point?" He asked.

"She also drew these alien creatures breaking into this very room. There." She said pointing up at the green fan.

"That kinda looks like you Wild Card. Looks like karma is finally gonna catch up to you." I said to him.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Whatever."

"Whoa! You're saying they'll be coming in through there?" Noodles asked.

"She's right. All these drawings suddenly make perfect sense. Ojo can see the future." Wheels said looking at the drawings on Ojo's ipad.

"See even the smartest kid in here agrees with her." I said.

"Let me get this straight. Some new girl shows up with absolutely zero powers, and suddenly we're gonna do what she says?" Wild Card asked.

"Yep." I said to him getting up and joining Missy up front. I looked at him and I could have sworn I saw hurt in his eyes.

"Seems like she's got a point." A Capella said.

"A moment ago, you agreed that we weren't safe here." Missy said.

"I like you. Your smart." I said to her. She smiled slightly at me and I smiled back.

"We're safer in here than running around outside with you playing captain." He said putting captain in quotations.

"I just want to get out of here. If anybody wants to join me, you're free to follow." She said giving Ojo back her ipad.

"Oh, I'm so in." Putting my arm in her shoulder. She smiled at me. We fist bumped.

"Fine." Wild Card said smacking the table and getting up. "We're getting out of here, but only because I say so, you got that?"

"Nope. So captain, what's the plan?" I asked looking at Missy.

"Yeah, Granada said this place is on lockdown. There'll be guards everywhere." Wheels said.

"Yeah, Missy. What's the plan?" He said smirking.

"Stop being a jealous jerk, Wild Card!" I said to him.

"Well...I figure this is like making an omelet. You always start by..." She said as me and her walked to the door.

Noodles stretched his neck so his head was on the other side of her. "Breaking some eggs." Me and him said.

"But how are we breaking the eggs?" Wheels asked.

"See, she has no solid plan!" Wild Card said.

"I say we have Facemaker do what he does best. Annoy the guards and get them in here." I said.

"And then you three grab the cushions in case this goes south." Missy said to Noodles, Wild Card, and Facemaker.

"We're gonna need to get their access cards to leave the building too." I said.

"Nice thinking." She said to me. "Thanks." I replied.

"Now everyone move the desks and chairs to the sides of the room." I said.

We all moved the desks. "Alright Facemaker are you ready?" I asked him.

"I've been ready my whole life." He said to me. "That's the attitude I'm looking for." I said high-fiving him.

"How's that for a plan." I said walking past Wild Card with my arms crossed and getting in line with the others.

He huffed at me and walked over to the couch with Noodles waiting for Missy's signal to get the cushions.

I Scream Your Name (Wild Card x OC)Where stories live. Discover now