Chapter Fourteen

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Missy walked up to the middle along with the rest of us. "How's it going, Wheels?" She asked.

"Great!" He replied.

A Capella ran and hugged me. "You sang! You actually sang! You sounded so good! We sounded so good!" She exclaimed.

"Don't get used to it." I said laughing and pulling away. We hugged Missy too.

"All we have to do is swap out the ignition chamber's motherboard with one that'll tell the device that it launched even when it didn't. That way we fooled it-" Wheels said.

"Dude. Just tell us how long." Noodles interrupted.

"Oh, now long." Wheels said pushing a button and holding the motherboard out to Noodles. "Now put it into the ignition chamber up there." He pointed up.

Noodles grabbed it and went to stretch it up there but Ojo had a drawn a tentacle to reach out and slap it out of his hand.

It fell all the way down to the bottom of the floor beneath us. "Oh no!" A Capella said.

"Noodles!" Missy yelled. He reached his arm down to grab it but couldn't. "I-I can't reach!" He said pulling his arm back up.

"It's too high to jump." Facemaker said.

"Nobody would ever survive that fall." Missy said.

"I...can." Slo-Mo said raising his hand.

"Slo-Mo?" Missy questioned. Then Slo-Mo jumped off the ledge. "Slo-Mo!" Missy yelled. "Rewind, stop him. Reverse it!"

He held up his finger. "Hold on. I think he knows what he's doing." He said pointing down.

"We're running out of seconds." Missy said. Then we watched Slo-Mo safely land right next to the motherboard.

Of course he could survive the fall. He does everything in slow motion. He fell slowly.

He picked it up and held it up for us to see. We all cheered for him. "Uh, guys, how are we gonna get him back up here?" Wheels interrupted.

I tapped Missy's shoulder. "We need Wild Card." I told her. "Right!" She said to me.

"Wild Card? We need you. Right now!" She yelled.

"On my way. Stay cool." We heard him say.

The suddenly he appeared out of no where right next to Missy making us jump. That was the most attractive thing ever. (yes it was. his little 🙏🏻 like oml🥺)

"Dude! You actually teleported!" Facemaker exclaimed. They high-fived.

"Get down there, quick!" Missy yelled pointing down at Slo-Mo.

He held his hands together and disappeared again reappearing next to Slo-Mo. He wrapped his arm around Slo-Mo and lifted his other arm in the air flying up at us.

We moved out of the way to make room for them to land. Once they landed he took the motherboard from Slo-Mo and handed it to Noodles.

"Now swap the motherboards up there!" Wheels yelled.

Noodles stretched his arms up and took out the old motherboard replacing it with the new one. With only one minute left to spare.

Then the clock hit zero and an alarm started to blare. Then the ground started to shake. "Whoa!" We all yelled trying to keep our balance.

We held our ears to shield them from the loud rumbling noise combined with the alarm. Then the rocket looked like it was opening up.

A bright light started to shine as it opened in a big rectangular shape. We all squinted at the bright light.

"What's happening?" Missy asked.

"I don't know but I don't think it's good!" I replied.

"The takeover is happening." Ojo said excitedly.

I Scream Your Name (Wild Card x OC)Where stories live. Discover now