Chapter Thirteen

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"We only have six minutes left!" Missy yelled as we ran in toward the rocket. Wheels stopped.

"Not a problem. Not a problem. All I have to do it reprogram the rocket's main contr-" He got cut off by something covering the rocket.

"What is that?" Rewind asked.

Wheels took a tire pump out of his bag and extended it at it. "Maybe it's a..." It bounced off it. "A force field?" He exclaimed.

"No, no, no, we were so close!" Missy complained.

"But there's no one here but us." A Capella said.

"Who did this?" Noodles asked.

"I did." We heard a voice say from behind us. We turned around and saw Ojo.

"Ojo, did you just talk?" Noodles asked.

"I could always talk. I simply chose to observe and listen instead. And what I heard was chaos, dysfunction, disharmony...just like your parents."

"But that's not true." Missy said walking forward. "We were working together."

"Were you? Then where's Wild Card?" She asked.

"That's a good question. Hey, Wild Card, old buddy. Are you in the ships control room yet?" Missy asked.

"I sure am. Just like we planned, old buddy." We heard Wild Cards voice ring through the speakers. I smiled a little.

"You were working together?" Ojo asked shocked.

"Surprise! I even sent him on a secret mission. Isn't that right, Wild Card?" Missy asked.

"Yep! And when the team leader tells you to do something, you hop to it."

I smiled really wide. That's why he said sorry. It was all apart of the trick.

"Since when did you accept Missy as the leader?" Ojo asked.

"Since the tunnel...when she told me you were an alien spy."

"Ojo's an alien spy?" The twins asked.

"Yep. Ojo's a spy." Missy confirmed.

Tentacles then grew out of Ojo's back. "You knew. How'd you figure it out?" She asked looking impressed.

"You accidentally gave it away in one of your own drawings. Your art never lies. You work for Granada, don't you? Or does Granada work for you?" Missy asked.

"They all work for me." She said. Then Facemaker came running in wearing Wild Cards clothes. That explains why Facemaker went with him.

He bumped into Ojo's tentacles and turned to look at her. "What the...Ojo's an alien!" He said pointing to her.

"We know!" We yelled at him. He ran over to us.

"And now you can be impressed...and soon as I figure out which one of these buttons removes the shield."

"Knowing the aliens, it's probably a big button with a picture of a shield on it." Wheels said.

"Oh!" We heard him say. That means he found it. Suddenly the shield came down and we all cheered.

"I hate to spoil your celebration...but there's still two minutes left." Ojo said pointing up to the clock. "Games not over yet." She said drawing on her ipad. Suddenly a monster came up out of her screen and got bigger.

"Uh-oh!" Guppy said.

"We'll hold it off. You find a way to stop the launch." Missy said turning to Wheels.

"It's not an it. It's a them!" Wheels yelled pointing back revealing three other monsters.

"Well then you better hurry! Come on, everyone. It's time we show these guys what we're made of." Missy said as we all got into fighting stances.

"Wild Card, you have to keep those shields down." Missy said.

"Don't worry, Missy. I'm on it."

"Hey, Wild Card!" I yelled to him.

"Yeah Banshee?"

"You're the best boyfriend ever." I said. He said nothing after that but I assume he got the memo.

"Everyone spread out! Slo-Mo attack! Guppy waterslide!" Missy ordered. I ran over with Guppy.

I looked back and saw Fast Forward and Rewind holding hands using their powers together.

They shot something at Slo-Mo making him go faster. He looked like his Dad. It was amazing. He was punching that monster like it was nobody's business.

I stood back as Guppy shot water at the monster. "I'm running out of water!" She yelled.

"Guppy, make ninja stars." Missy told her. She did as told. "Noodles, slingshot!" Noodles stretched his arms over while Facemaker held his leg. "Somebody pull Noodles!" Slo-Mo pulled Noodles back.

Guppy finished the stars and placed them in the slingshot. Slo-Mo released the slingshot making the stars trap two of the monsters.

We cheered. "I'm out. I need water." Guppy said.

"Hey, Guppy. This whole thing is covered in liquid metal. Liquid!" Wheels said to her.

She went to go get the metal while I held back the monster. It came at me and I screamed as loud as I could making my eyes glow while using my hands to push the sound at it causing it to slide back.

I held my scream to keep it back. I was running out of breath so I looked back to see if Guppy was ready. She had made a giant shark.

I ran out of the way as she rode it at the monster. It ran to the other monster. She had the shark bite both of them. We cheered for her.

"Not so fast." Ojo said. She made two more monsters.

"Noodles, make a tightrope." Missy said.

He nodded and stretched his arm out making a tightrope. "Somebody go on to the center and draw them in." Missy said.

"No, wait! I have to do this. I can do this." She said walking out on to the tightrope.

"🎶ahhhhhh🎶" A Capella flew into the air singing. I knew where she was going with this. Oh screw it. I am a Vox after all.

"🎶I-I will be king. And you. You will be queen. And nothing. No, nothing could tear us apart🎶" I started singing.

I looked at A Capella and nodded. She began to sing with me. "🎶Oh, we can be heroes. Just for one day. We can be heroes. Just for one day. We can be heroes. Just for one day🎶"

Missy signaled for Noodles to release the tightrope. Me and A Capella continued singing.

"🎶Oh, and we can beat them. Forever and ever. Then we can be heroes. Just for one day🎶"

Noodles reached down and grabbed Missy before she hit the ground. He pulled her back up on to the platform.

"🎶Then we can be heroes. Just for one day🎶" Me and A Capella finished as Missy and Noodles gave each other a thumbs up.

I Scream Your Name (Wild Card x OC)Where stories live. Discover now