Chapter Seven

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We followed her out of the kitchen and toward the backyard. "But I'm the leader!" Wild Card complained.

"He's right. And I'm totally okay with that." Missy agreed.

"Well, I'm not. And we don't have time to argue. So, what I say goes." Miss Moreno said sternly as we stopped on the steps.

"Yes, ma'am." Wild Card said.

"Hmm. Welcome to my training ground." She said as her backyard turned into an obstacle course. "Let's boogie."

We all stood on the mat practicing fighting. "Stand together. Feel the rhythm."

I watched A Capella fight one of the laser soldiers from the tight rope. After I walked across it I went into the line to fight behind Wild Card.

I remember what he said on the tram. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back a little bit. He just looked at me confused.

"I heard what you said on the tram." I said crossing my arms.

"Oh, you did...I was kinda hoping you didn't...unless there's an unlikely chance you also like me. Cause then that's-" I raised my hand to cut him off.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't like you." I started.

"What! That's great! This-" He started before I raised my hand again.

"I wasn't finished. I do like you Wild Card but only partly. It's just you're so mean to everyone all the time. And I've seen you be nice so I know you are capable of it but I don't want to be with a bully." I said.

"But I-I'll be nice I swear." He begged me.

"But how can I really know that. How do I know you aren't just gonna snap out of that nice act!" I exclaimed.

"What if I can prove it to you?" He asked.

"How?" I asked.

"I'll show you I can be nice and you consider giving me a chance." He suggested.

I thought about it for a moment. "Fine. If you can prove you can be nice I'll consider it." I said sighing.

"Thank you. You won't be disappointed." He said hugging me.

"Banshee you next! I wanna see what you can do!" Miss Moreno told me.

I pulled out of Wild Cards hug. I walked onto the mat high-fiving A Capella as she walked off.

The soldier came up and I slid under it spun around and kicked its knee. It fell on top of me and I grabbed it's neck and snapped it.

"Very impressive dear." She told me.

"Thanks." I said.

I saw Wild Card with his eyes popping out of his head and his mouth wide open. I walked up to him and shut it. He snapped out of it and looked at me. I laughed and walked away.

Then I felt my arms being pulled and suddenly I'm met with Fast Forward and A Capella looking at me with crossed arms.

"What's up?" I asked.

"What's going on with you and Wild Card?" A Capella asked me.

"Yeah we saw you two talking and hugging." Fast Forward said.

"And the whole shutting of the mouth thing." A Capella added.

"Nothing's going on. Me and him just finally decided to get along I guess." I said lying through my teeth.

"Mhm." Fast Forward said not believing me.

"Now tell us what really happened." A Capella said.

"Fine! When we were falling on the tram he told me he liked me. And so we talked about it."

"Oh my gosh are you two a thing now?" A Capella asked.

"No. I told him I'm not going to be with a bully."

"But you like him right?" Fast Forward asked. I had previously told her about my slight crush on him.

"Yes and that's why we made a deal. If he can prove he can be nice I'll consider giving him a chance."

"This should be a fun show." Fast Forward said.

"I know right." I laughed.

"He better not mess up or I'll make him float so high he won't survive the fall." A Capella said.

"Or ya know I could shatter his eardrums but I like the way you think Pella." I said laughing.

We all split up to continue training. Missy took over for Miss Moreno. She turned on some music to up the mood.

Fast Forward and Rewind actually worked together in sync because of Missy's guidance.

Then Guppy went on a rampage at Facemaker and Noodles grabbed her which didn't stop her at all.

"Guppy, stay calm!" Missy yelled.

She had to stop her and send her to go meditate. I was fighting a laser soldier with A Capella.

And then it all came crumbling down. Slo-Mo got hit and started bouncing away.

"Someone catch Slo-Mo! Noodles! I mean, no, Facemaker! Rewind!" Missy stuttered.

"What? Who? Make up your mind." The twins said.

"I got him!" Noodles yelled from the tight rope grabbing him. This created a domino effect and me and A Capella were now on the ground next to Noodles.

Wild Card came over and helped me sit up. "Slo-Mo, you never do anything right." He said as Slo-Mo finally hit the ground.

I glared at him and he realized what he said. "Sorry." He mumbled. I rolled my eyes.

Miss Moreno had us get in a a line and do hero poses. "That's good. Back in formation! Keep training." She said walking away.

We continued to train until we heard A Capella go, "Uh, guys!" She pointed to the sky We were surrounded by helicopters in the sky.

"They found us!" I yelled.

"I'll go get Miss Moreno!" Wheels exclaimed speeding off.

He came back with Missy and Miss Moreno. "They sure found you fast." She said as we all looked up.

"They wanna take us back to headquarters." Facemaker said.

"Well, too bad. We've got a world to save." Missy said.

"Hmm." Miss Moreno said pushing a button on her cane. A tunnel opened up from behind a bush.

"Go through this tunnel. I'll hold them off. Go, go, go, go. Go!" She said pushing us to the tunnel.

I Scream Your Name (Wild Card x OC)Where stories live. Discover now