Chapter Ten

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We snuck around the ship following Missy. We saw someone walking down the hallway and waited before resuming.

I walked with Wild Card holding his hand. Guppy and Slo-Mo were falling behind as we started running.

"Is it working?" Wheels asked.

"Well, it's leading us somewhere." Missy said to him.

"Hey! That was really good back there." Missy told Wild Card.

"What? Turning into a toaster instead of making heat vision?" He asked her.

"It was heat-related. That's real progress." Missy told him.

"She is right. You did great." I told him squeezing his hand.

"I guess it's progress." He mumbled.

"You just watch. Pretty soon, you'll be teleporting like it's nobody's business. It's all about belief." She told him.

"I told you she was smart." I said to him.

"Um, guys..." A Capella said and we all stopped. "Does anybody else hear that?"

There was noises coming out of nowhere and the ground was slightly moving.

"What is that?" The twins asked.

"It's below us." Wheels said putting his hands on the wheels of his wheel chair. "I can feel it."

We all ran for the walls and pushed ourselves against them. We saw the floor start to break up.

We screamed and ran away as fast as we could when we saw an alien tentacle sprout up. As we ran it got closer. It tripped Wild Card and he fell on the floor.

I turned back and screamed at it so he could get away. He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.

"Thanks!" He yelled as we ran.

"Don't mention it!" I replied.

We got to a fork in the hallways. "Which way?" Facemaker asked.

"That way!" Missy yelled pointing to a door.

We all ran to it and it opened. Then a tentacle sprouted up in front of it. We all stopped. A Capella tapped me and I nodded.

She sang and I screamed at it paralyzing it momentarily while shooing the others at the door. A Capella's eyes glowed. I then pushed her to go and circled around the tentacle screaming.

My eyes started to glow. I kept screaming until I backed into the doorway. I turned away and ran in behind the others.

I went to the edge of the balcony looking out at this liquid metal pyramid shaped thing.

"Look at that thing." Wild Card said pointing at it. We heard a door open below us and looked down.

The president walked out. "What the heck is the president doing here?" Missy asked.

"I think we're about to find out." I replied.

"So they're inside this thing? All of them?" The president asked another man dressed in white.

"That's correct."

"How long before the takeover begins?" He asked.

"According to the supreme commander less than an hour." The man in white replied.

"So soon?" He asked.

"That's what she says, and she's never wrong."

"You don't have to remind me. Ever wonder why we bother with all this when she already knows how it's gonna turn out?"

"All part of the process, I suppose." They walked out with two guards.

"What is that thing?" Facemaker asked.

"You heard him. It's a rocket stuffed to the gills with aliens. In less then an hour, they'll send it down to Earth and start the takeover." Wild Card explained.

"Well, then we have to stop them. Let's go." Missy said.

When we turned around to run out when the doors opened revealing Ms. Granada and two guards. They looked angry.

"Do you children have any idea what you've done? Stealing one of our trains? Turning headquarters upside down? Flying an alien shuttle into outer space. Hmm?" She said as we backed away from her.

She then smiled and squealed. "Well done!" She explained.

"Wait. I'm sorry what?" I asked.

"It looks like we underestimated your abilities and your leadership qualities. You took a huge risk, but it was the right risk. Headquarters was attacked just minutes after you escaped. If you hadn't broken out, you would have all been captured. And now you've managed to lead us into the heart of this alien mother ship? So proud!"

"Wait, so we're not in trouble? Missy asked.

"Of course not. You are heroes." She told us.

We all cheered and she joined. "Missy!" I heard Wheels say from next to me. "Her vital signs are all over the place."

Ojo then showed Missy her ipad. Her eyes widened at the screen.Then the president walked in with more guards.

"Save you breath, Granada. They know." He said glaring at us.

"Uh-oh!" Guppy said.

They all grew tentacles out of their backs. "Hmm...Well, then...round them up!" She said lifting her finger.

They used their tentacles to grab us. Ms. Granada grabbed me and put a tentacle over my mouth to keep me from screaming.

I struggled against her grip trying to free either myself or my mouth to do something.

They dragged us through the ship while we struggled. I looked over at A Capella they covered her mouth too.

They took us to this door which was probably gonna be our prison cell. They shoved us in front of it and stopped.

I Scream Your Name (Wild Card x OC)Where stories live. Discover now