Chapter Eleven

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They opened the door and shoved us in. "Watch it!" Facemaker yelled.

They let go of me and A Capella's mouths and pushed us in. Wild Card came in behind me bumping into me.

They dropped Slo-Mo in and he did this dramatic fall in slow motion bouncing once before hitting the ground.

"Quit the pantomime, Slo-Mo. You didn't even scrape a knee." Wild Card said. Slo-Mo just shrugged.

"Oh, good. Just the kind of divisive attitude I've been counting on." Ms. Granada said walking in and crossing her arms.

"You kids are just like your parents. The same in-fighting. The same bickering. Putting your own egos ahead of your team."

Guppy took out her water and Ms. Granada pointed at her. "Take away her water." Guppy gasped when an alien who looked like the guard from the stronghold used his tentacle to take her water.

"They're too powerful together." She said pointing to the twins. They pointed at themselves. The guard used his tentacle to push Fast Forward away from Rewind.

Ojo held her ipad close in fear they would take it. "Oh, don't worry. I won't take away your little toy. I already know what your future is."

She held up a key. "Imprisonment. Life long. Hmm." She chuckled and walked out shutting and locking the door behind her.

"How are we getting out of here?" Guppy asked Missy.

Missy walked forward before turning to us. "I...don't know." She said sitting down and putting her head in her hand.

"I bet Ms. Granada's been working there for years." Facemaker said.

"They must have hacked the elections and put their own alien in as president so they could set a trap for the Heroics." Wild Card said. I went and sat down on the seat next to A Capella.

"I'm such an idiot." Wheels said. He turned his ipad to us. "President Neil Anami. Spell Neil Anami backwards and you have...I'm an alien."

"Everyone thinks that the aliens only invaded this morning, but they've been here for years, planning this takeover the whole time." Missy said.

"And now we're locked in this stupid cell with no way out." Wild Card said.

"You're welcome. Any luck?" She asked Guppy who was trying to break down the door. She banged on it trying to pry them open.

She huffed and gave up. She pushed me off the seat I was sitting in and sat down in it. "I need water. Without water, I can't use my powers." She said crossing her legs.

I got up and sat on the floor next to Wild Cards chair cause Guppy stole my seat.

"I need food. My stomach hurts." Facemaker said.

"My arm hurts." Noodles complained.

"My ears hurt! We never should have come up to this ship. You led us up here." I slapped his leg.

"You think I wanted to get us locked up in an alien ship?" Missy asked in disbelief.

"It was all of us. We did it together." Wheels said.

"I wanna go home." Guppy said.

"Me too!" The twins said in unison.

"We all want to go home. The key is figuring out how to get out of this room so we can make sure there's a home to go back to." Wheels said.

"Wait a second. What did you just say?" Missy asked him.

"He said we all want to go home." A Capella replied.

"Not that, the second part."

"Figure out how to get out of this room so we can make sure there's a home to go back to?" Wheels answered.

"Stop saying that." Guppy said.

"Keep it together." Wild Card told her. Guppy glared at him.

"Guys... maybe it's time to admit we're never getting out of here." Missy said standing up.

"What?" Rewind asked.

"I mean, let's get real. These walls and this door must be, like, two-feet thick. It's totally impossible." Missy said.

"Wow, great attitude." Wild Card said sarcastically.

"I hate to say it but yeah Wild Card is right that isn't the positive leader attitude we were expecting." I said.

Wild Card then wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on him.

"Yep. We're never getting out of here, and we're certainly never seeing our parents again, that's for sure." Missy said sitting back down.

"She's right. Pretty soon we'll forget what they even look like. The way they smelled...It'll all just be...gone." Wheels said snapping.

I was getting really sad at their words. I looked at A Capella and saw she was getting sad too. I felt Wild Card hug me and I accepted it.

He looked back up to them. "Well jeez, you guys are really bumming me out. But I guess...this really is the end." He said.

I looked up at him in disbelief and moved over to A Capella hugging her. Silent tears fell down our cheeks.

"But I'm not ready for the end." Noodles said.

"I actually wasn't getting annoyed at your singing A Capella. We work good together." I said hugging her. She nodded into my shoulder.

"I was just starting to think...maybe my sister didn't hate me." Rewind said.

"I don't hate you." She corrected.

"I love you." They said together.

"That love we real." Missy started wiping a tear from her eye. "'s that love...that'll get us out of here." She said holding up her hand with the tear on it.

"Why are you guys saying all this stuff? It's almost like you want everybody to cry...Oh!" Guppy exclaimed in realization.

"Guppy, quick, gather all the tears." Missy said giving her tear to Guppy.

Me and and A Capella wiped our eyes and handed our tears to Guppy. She then went around to everyone else getting theirs.

Guppy started shaping something. A Capella walked over to her. "What are you making?" She asked.

"I'm making a key." She said.

I looked over at Wild Card and he looked back as if he wanted to say something but chose not to.

Guppy flicked the key hardening it. Missy walked up and took it from her admiring it.

"Little Miss Guppy, you just saved us." She said patting Guppy's head.

She ran to the door, put the key into the hole, and unlocked it. The door opened and she wiggled the key in her fingers smiling.

"Come on, let's go!" Missy yelled and we all ran out of the room.

I Scream Your Name (Wild Card x OC)Where stories live. Discover now