Chapter Six

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Wild Card held the bridge of his nose. "Well, that was a disaster."

"No, that was a success." I said.

"That was awesome." Rewind said. I snapped and pointed at him. "Exactly." I replied.

"I'm so exhausted." Noodles said.

A Capella fluctuated again. We screamed as we fell momentarily.

"Guys...🎶ah🎶I'm running...🎶ah🎶...out of...🎶ah🎶" A Capella said.

"Breath! We get it." Wild Card said.

"What do we do?" Facemaker asked.

"Don't look at me. I'm done." Noodles said dropping his arms.

"We need to find some place to hide." Wheels said.

"The Heroics are all locked up in the alien ship." Fast Forward said.

"Not all of them." Missy said.

"You're losing me Missy." I said to her.

"You know this how?" Wild Card asked.

Missy walked over to Wheels and signaled A Capella over.

"Do you think you can get us over to here?" She asked.

She nodded and fluctuated again. Missy ran and sat down. "Hey, what's over there that's so important?" Wild Card asked as we shook again.

She couldn't answer cause we shook more causing us all to stumble. "Okay, this is bad. This is really, really bad." Wheels said.

"You can do it Pella!" I yelled. They all joined me trying to motivate her to keep us in the air.

She then suddenly stopped and cleared her throat. "Does anyone have a lozenge?" She asked pointing to her throat.

Guppy smacked her forehead. "Pella!" I yelled to her.

"Hang on!" Missy yelled. We all started falling and screaming. I felt someone grab my waist.

"Banshee if we die! I need you to know I always liked you and have had a crush on you for three years!" Wild Card yelled from behind me.

I continued to scream unable to respond to him at the current moment. We hit the ground and slid into a gazebo.

"Ahhhh! My begonias! Get out of my flower bed, you little termites!" We heard a women yell.

"Hi, Abuelita!" Missy said.

"Ah! Ah, Missy! Come and say hello to your grandma!" She said. We all ran out of the tram to her.

"No way!" Noodles said. "Missy, your grandmother's Anita Moreno?"

"The trainer of the Heroics?" Rewind asked.

"She's a legend." Facemaker said.

"No, you have to be dead to be a legend, honey." She retorted.

"Oh, mi amor." She said hugging Missy. "I am alive and well, which is more than I can say for my gazebo, hmm?"

I looked at my sister coughing. "Sorry." She said lifting her hand.

"We're in trouble, Grandma, and we need a place to hide."

"To hide? You're gonna need to do a lot more than that." She pointed up to the sky. "That thing is moving into position."

"She's right. We only have two hours left." Wheels said looking at his ipad. "It won't be long now until the takeover begins."

"Everybody, get inside. Come, come. Come." She said gesturing us inside.
She took us to the kitchen and gave us all lemonade.

"But we're children." Rewind said.

"Yes, the children of the Heroics. If anyone is gonna save the world, it's you, because all of you have superpowers." She told us.

"Super lame powers." Facemaker said.

"Speak for yourself." Wild Card told him.

"God, do you ever stop being mean?" I asked him rolling my eyes.

"Okay, Johnny Random." Rewind retorted to him.

"Hmm...This is no way to be a super team." She said.

"Abuelita's right." Missy said standing up. "Aliens are about to invade, and if we want to rescue our parents and save the planet, we're gonna need to do it now."

"Are you saying that...we can be superheroes?" A Capella asked.

"Well, yeah. I guess that kinda is what I'm saying." She said sitting down.

"You shouldn't have." I mumbled to her.

"🎶We can be heroes. Just for one day🎶" She sang. We all looked at her unimpressed as I held the bridge of my nose closing my eyes.

"I told you." I said to her.

"Sorry, it was there for the taking." She said.

"I need you all to maximize your powers." She said.

"Grandma, I've been trying to do that my whole life, so if you have any ideas, I'm all ears." Wild Card said to her.

Facemaker went behind his head and made his ears big to make it look like Wild Card's ears were big. We all laughed at it.

"It's not about who is the strongest or fastest. It's about working together, and that's why we'll need someone to be the leader."

"That would be me." Wild Card said raising his hand.

"I was actually talking about Missy, but thank you. Follow me! Quickly. Quickly! Fast. Fast!" She said.

I Scream Your Name (Wild Card x OC)Where stories live. Discover now