Chapter Three

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Wheels pressed a button on his ipad making the TV turn on and come down. The lights dimmed too.

"You know this is an epic Heroic smackdown event when they've called in Sharkboy!" We all cheered for Sharkboy.

"Earlier today, Sharkboy appeared from the ocean depths, landing on the beach of South Padre Island."

"And moments later, Lavagirl blasted up from inside an active volcano. She's from the Earth's core ya know."

"Go Sharkboy and Lavagirl!" Guppy cheered.

"And here's Mayor Doolittle at today's ribbon cutting for his new city hall, rebuilt after the last time the Heroics went into action."

Then a flash of yellow streaked across the screen cutting the rope of the new building.

"Did you see that? Of course you didn't. That means it's none other than Blinding Fast, the fastest Heroic on the planet."

"Go, Dad!" Slo-Mo yelled slowly.

"And here comes Crushing Low!"

"And there goes the mayor's new building in record time." We clapped and cheered for Facemaker's Dad.

"These battles are insanely expensive for taxpayers, but so entertaining."

"Pass the popcorn. This battle's gonna be epic!" Wild Card said to Slo-Mo. I watched Wild Card get impatient as Slo-Mo did his best to pass him the popcorn.

Wild Card finally was able to grab it but spilled some. "Can I have some popcorn?" I asked him.

"No come over here and get it yourself." He said to me.

"Fine." I got up and sat in the chair next to him sticking me hand in the bucket and eating some popcorn.

"We're getting some live footage now."

"And look who's back in action. It's Miracle Guy. You didn't expect him to actually lose, did you?"

It showed all the Heroics flying in the air at the spaceship. My Mom of course was singing to fly.

The ship opened up and let out a bunch of smaller ships. One of them pushed Miracle Guy into a building.

"Oh my God!"

"No way! No one's ever taken down Miracle Guy!" Noodles said.

Sharkboy got knocked out of the air and landed on a helicopter. When asked if he was okay he got grabbed.

Then two ships grabbed Miracle Guy's arms. He went to fly up but they pulled him back down.

"Oh no. I'm just getting some terrible news. It's almost unimaginable, but two of our heroes have been captured by the intruders."

"I though the Heroics were unbeatable." Guppy said.

"They are unbeatable. It's not over yet." Wheels said.

"It looks like our heroes are fighting amongst themselves again." It showed Fast Forward and Rewinds parents fighting then getting captured.

"Mom!" Rewind screamed.

"Dad!" Fast Forward yelled. Rewind looked back at her in shock.

Then Crushing Low came on screen. "Go, Dad!" Facemaker cheered. He only got two punches in before he also got captured.

Rewind rewound the TV back to when his parents got taken and Fast Forward put it back to normal time. They did this once more before he slammed his fist down.

"I want to see it again."

"And I don't want to see it again." They argued.

"And here comes Mrs. Vox to the rescue. She'll get those aliens singing a different tune."

My Mom appeared on screen singing the aliens down one by one. Until one came up behind her grabbing her by the mouth to stop her from singing.

"They took Mrs. Vox!" I gasped with A Capella.

I felt Wild Card put his hand on mine but I didn't look at him I just kept looking at the screen.

Lavagirl came on screen. She launched two balls of lava up at the mother ship. One of them accidentally hit Tech-No.

"They got Tech-No." Wild Card gasped and gripped my hand. I flipped my hand and interlocked our fingers squeezing his hand to comfort him.

"And there goes Lavagirl! What is happening? Our heroes are dropping like flies!"

"They won't get Blinding Fast. Not him, he's too-" Wheels started but was cut off my Blinding Fast getting captured. We heard Slo-Mo gasp slow.

"It's all up to Marcus Moreno now."

They took out Missy's Dad's jet pack making him fall to the ground. He got surrounded.

"Dad? Dad, we had a deal." Missy said to her bracelet. She tried to convince her Dad to run but he jumped into the ships and got captured.

"This is...unbelievable. Unimaginable."

"Ladies and gentlemen...the Heroics have fallen."

"We're getting word that the president would like to address the nation."

"People of America, as you have witnessed, the Heroics have been captured. Military forces are stepping in, mobilizing to bring our heroes back. But while it looks rather's bad, it-It's hopelessly bad."

"How did this guy ever get to be president? He can't even put two sentences together." Facemaker said.

"We have just received a message from the supreme commander of the aliens that has been decoded. It reads, "We are from the planet Ogima. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to prepare you for...takeover. Please comply, or else Earth will be destroyed. You have three hours." I'm afraid that was the entire message. There are no heroes left. God save us all." He finished then the TV shut off.

It came back on with Ms. Granada and we all sat up. "Children, for your own safety, we're going into full lockdown. No one leave your seats. As long as you stay where you are, you are all safe."

The TV raised and the lights slowly came back on.

I Scream Your Name (Wild Card x OC)Where stories live. Discover now