Chapter 8

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jimin pov           ✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ─────────

"I'm so sorry kook-ah." I whispered to him as he slept. Not too long after our whole porch fiasco I practically drug him into my house. He weighs a lot more than I thought. Having to carry him up the stairs to my room was exhausting. I may have hit his head against the wall like three times but he made it and that's what matters.

"I wish this didn't happen." I moved his hair out of his face. I knew he wouldn't remember anything when he woke up. I knew he'd be confused when he opened his eyes and found himself in my bedroom. In my bed. Next to me.

"But at the same time.... I'm glad it did. Thank you for telling me." I told him before kissing his cheek and laying next to him. Tomorrow is gonna be one hell of a day. I just have to figure out some lie to make it seem like we made up but he didn't tell me.

And I know it sounds crazy but I wasn't supposed to hear that. He didn't want me to know. I want him to come to me when he isn't drunk. My mind finally settled and I closed my eyes because my body was begging for sleep.


As I predicted the morning was a little awkward.

"So we... are okay?" He asked in his confused morning voice. And with a cute smile I nodded. Acting like nothing happened turned out to be a lot easier than I thought. I already know how he feels what more do I need? I know that when the time comes maybe he'll be ready to ask me out. But until then I'm fine with what we are. With where we are.

"How did I get here though?" He sat up and scratched at his hair and rubbed his tired eyes.

"You um m... you were kinda of drunk." I told him and his eyes widened.

"I was?" He exclaimed and I nodded making his head fall into his hands.

"I'm sorry Min." He mumbled through his hands apologetically.

"Don't be. If you hadn't come last night we would still be fighting." My eyes were focused on his dark eyes before he looked up at me catching me off guard. My face flushed but he seem pretty unaffected.

"Can I ask why we aren't anymore?" He looked nervous and I was kind of sad he really didn't remember, but it was for the best.

"Mm you came over and apologized. You told me how you really meant your words." When I told him that his eyes widened again probably scared which made me chuckle.

"What did I tell you?" He urged loudly and I just laughed more. It was hilarious being in this position rather than the other way around.

"Nothing I already didn't known." I lied just for the sake of him not freaking out more than he already was. He just nodded and put his head back into his hands before falling back on my bed.

"So school?" I asked cutely and I really was hoping that he'd say no. In my favor he told me he was too hung over and was going to stay home.

"But you go Min don't miss school." He advised me but there is no way. I wouldn't be able to get through the day without him. Especially if I know he's not feeling well.

"I'm staying to take care of you Kookie." I pouted and I guess he was too tired to fight me on this one.

"Fine." He groaned and I hopped right back in bed hoping to get a few more minutes of sleep.

"W-what are you doing?" He asked as I settled into my side of the bed making me chuckle lightly.

"What do you mean?" I questioned and gave him a 'what are you talking about?' type of look. This just so happens to be my bed.

"I w-well I don't know. Did we sleep t-together yesterday?" Jungkook couldn't even make eye contact with me anymore. He was blushing and flustered so he looked away I'm guessing so I wouldn't see. But I did.

"Sleep together in what way?" I teased but I don't think he found it very funny. Quite the opposite.

"That's not cute Jimin. What the hell happened last night?" His tone was a bit lower and a lot scarier. This is the voice that I hate. I don't like when he talks to me like this it makes me feel like a child being scolded.

"Mm we t-talked and slept. T-that's it. You're s-scaring me." I told him with teary eyes because it was true. That tone scared me.

"I'm scared Jimin. I know the things I usually say when I'm drunk and I can't help- I can't help but wonder if I said them to you." He sighed heavily letting the solemn express play on his features. I know he felt bad about the tone. But I know he was feeling worse about genuinely not remembering what happened yesterday.

"What do you normally say?" Could it have all been just his normal drunk antics. Was it all a lie? Again? Now I'm even more confused. He constantly has my head and thoughts spiraling out of control. His response was taking too long. Like way too long. He looked as if he was having and internal battle with himself.

"Don't worry a-about it. If we're okay than I must not h-have said anything too crazy."

"I'd still like to know." I pushed and he sighed again. It really is exhausting being in love with someone isn't it Jungkookie?

"I start being very- how do I say this? I guess I get just touchy and needy. I- oh my god this is so embarrassing." He immediately stopped talking and tuned his gaze from mine again.

"Kookie don't be embarrassed seriously. We are best friends remember?" I reminded him and he nodded be more continuing again.

"Okay..... I get r-really horny b-basically. Or really s-sentimental. So Jimin I really need you not to lie to me like you have been all morning." If I could see myself I'd see all the color drain from my face. How could he know?

"Okay.." I let out shakily. I hadn't realized that I answered until I looked up and he was sitting right in front of me. We were facing each other on the bed while he burned hole through my eyes with his. I almost couldn't take it but he spoke again.

"What did I say to you last night? Be honest Min. Please don't lie to me." He looked so desperate to know the truth. I'm going to regret this.

"The truth." And for the first time today I told him exactly that.


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