Chapter 13

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─────────✱*.。:。*.:。✧*.。✰                        13

。✰                        13

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jimin pov      ✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ─────────

"Can we at least go to my house and cuddle?" Jungkook offered an I agreed immediately. I haven't been there in so long and I'm excited yet so nervous.

Jungkooks parents were always so supportive of him and they loved me then. But that was before... what if they don't know about us dating? What if they hate me or hurt him?

"Come on min." He reached his hand out and I grabbed it firmly. He lead us down the side walk in the direction of his house.

"Are you nervous?" I asked quietly and he gave me a confused look.

"About your p-parents finding out." I stuttered out the words that were incredibly hard for me to form.

"Not at all. She already loves you." And that's what I thought too. I hope that he's right though. We held hands the entire way and I'm very sure he could feel how sweaty mine were. But I can't help it I'm beyond nervous.

"Kookie." I pouted and he looked down at me and hummed.

"What if they don't like that I'm a.... boy?" He chuckled and pecked my temple.

"Minnie I told her I like boys already so she shouldn't be surprised. Stop worrying." It was like there a giant heavy weight on my chest that's just gone now. I can finally just breathe. I was so scared that Jungkook was being impulsive and just coming out to them while bringing me home.

"I'm always worrying." I smiled and he nodded as we approached his front door. I still remember coming here as a kid and playing in his backyard. I remember that this is where I fell in love with him. All the way back when.

He let go of my hand to fish out the set of keys in his pocket. I patiently waited as he unlocked the door taking in the nostalgic atmosphere. Everything about being here reminded me of my childhood.

He stepped in the door and motioned for me to follow him. There was such a mouth watering smell coming from somewhere. It instantly brought me back to when Jungkooks mother would make us cookies when I came over.

"So.... I might have already told my mom you were coming." He smiled and helped me remove my coat and shoes.

"And she may have made you your favorite cookies." I wanted to roll over in a ball and sob my eyes out. This is so sweet and so cute. She hasn't seen my in so long and went through all this trouble just for me. He grabbed my hand again and lead me to the kitchen were Mrs. Jeon had been standing with an apron on.

"Jimin-ah!" She shouted and came rushing towards me with open arms. She always gave the best hugs.

"How have you been? It's been too long!" Her smile radiated positive energy and her over all aura was so comforting.

"I've been pretty good and how about you?" She went on to tell me about the things she's been doing to keep herself busy. I don't know why I was even so worried.

"Jimin may I speak to you privately?" She asked making me gulp. That's why I was worried. I looked to Jungkook who just shrugged. Useless.

"S-sure." I have the best smile I could muster before following her into a different room. She smiled and gestured for me to sit.

"I know Jimin." She smiled again but I was more like a smirk this time.

"Know w-what?" I stuttered again and she chuckled lightly.

"I saw you and my Jungkookie walk in holding hands."

"Oh! I- we are just- um-" I was so flustered I couldn't even lie correctly.

"No! No! Don't deny it Jimin. I love that you two finally got together." She made a pouty face and her eyes looked teary.

"I saw Jungkook fall in love with you so long ago... even if he didn't know." She confessed while looking somewhere else. I'm assuming recalling something.

"Yup, he sure had one bad case of denial." She said making me laugh.

"I'm glad I finally confessed. I don't think he would've." Even though it was the truth, if I hadn't spoken up that day we would still be just friends. I'd still be longing to kiss him.

"I'm sure he would've realized his feelings, it would've just been too late."

"Yeah... we're really happy now though." I blushed.

"I can see that. I've never seen him smile at someone the way he smiles at you Jimin. It's beautiful to finally see my baby boy happier." My tears were brewing even though it wasn't a sad moment. It was happy, we were happy, and yet why do I feel like this is going elsewhere? She paused and gazed at the ground sighing before speak long again.

"Jimin." She called and I hummed.

"Do you know about Jungkooks father?" She asked and that was a good point. Where was he?

"Know?" I questioned with a confused expression and she sighed deeply.

"Then I'm sure Jungkook didn't say anything.... but my husband passed away about 5 months ago." Her tears were starting to form and I did what I could to comfort her. I stood up to hug her and she squeezed me tight.

"Sorry Jimin, t-this isn't about me. Jungkook he..." She took a second to collect herself and wipe her tears.

"Sorry it's just that Jungkook hasn't talked about it since that day. I don't know what he's going through and I was hoping he would've told you maybe even opened up." She sniffled and I handed her a tissue.

"I can try to talk to him." I told her but I'm terrified. What if he just doesn't want to talk about it? He would have told me if he wanted to. I feel so horrible for making him go through all this relationship stuff now. He probably has so much more going on. He's just keeping it all to himself.

"If you don't mind. It would mean so much." I nodded and hugged her one last time. I can't believe I've been so selfish.


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i promise this fic will get less sad soon😭

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