Chapter 12

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.        12.

third pov                                 ・ 。゚☆: *

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third pov          。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───┘

"I don't think I could be cutie." The older chuckled and Jimin blushed. Jungkooks blood was boiling.

"So we're good?" Jimin asked softly as he played with the hem of his shirt nervously. He refused to make eye contact with the older.

"Why won't you look at me when I talk to you?" Soejun demanded making Jimins eyes widen. He wasn't sure on how to respond to such a harsh tone.Just as Jungkook was about to jump a teacher approached him.

"Mr Jeon why are you in the halls?" She asked with a small smile and the younger couldn't have been more annoyed. Right now was not the time for a distraction.

"Bathroom." He said simply and she nodded.

"Well I'm sure you know they are that way." She pointed in the opposite direction of the Jimins dangerous situation.

"I'm aware thank you ma'am." He bowed before slowly waking in the direction she pointed. He looked back to see if she was still there and unfortunately she was.

"Fuck." He cursed under his breath. He's going to have to find another way.


"W-why?" The smaller stuttered.

"Why not? Are you scared of me Jimin?" He asked with a teasing fake pout present on his face. Jimin had just hoped that someone would come in. He should have never came here.

"N-no." Jimin whispered as he bit his lip. He wasn't scared yet but he was very intimidated by the olders tone. It made him feel small and almost like he was being hunted.

"Babe, don't worry. I won't do anything to you unless you want me to." The older said smoothly and nonchalantly causing Jimins eyes widened again. He was unsure on how to handle the situation. He's never had the excuse of having a boyfriend before.

"Um... I h-have a boyfriend. You know t-that." He gulped and Soejun took a few steps towards him. With every advance the older took Jimin stepped back until they reached the wall. Soejun trapped the younger in between his arms.

"Soejun-" Jimin whimpered as the older leaned in closer to his ear.

"I don't care." The older growled before biting at his ear lobe.

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