Chapter 10

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚                     10

jungkook pov                 ・ 。゚☆: *

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jungkook pov                 ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

"Hey Jungkookie!" Taehyung exclaimed as Jungkook entered the cafeteria.

"Tae I told you not to call me that." He deadpanned and placed his lunch tray down next to Jimins usual spot.

"Where's Jimin?" Hoseok asked. Jimin didn't take the bus this morning because he said his parents wanted to take him to school. Which they never do. Jungkook wasn't upset though because Jimin let him know. But where was he now? Everyone's head turned towards a familiar voice walking right passed them with an unfamiliar figure next to him.

"-what I said. If only you saw all the stuff from last year-" Jimin laughed and the guy nudged his shoulder. The two were in their own world. So much so Jimin didn't even pay attention to his friends and possible boyfriend.

"Ahem." Jungkook called loudly before Jimin got too far. The blonde shyly looked back and waved before pulling the other boy towards the lunch line by his hand.

"What the fuck was that?" Jin asked confused.

"Are they a thing?" Taehyung asked and pointed to the boys.

"No." Jungkook said firmly. Jealously written all over his face.

"How do you know?" Hobi asked and Jungkook just groaned and rolled his eyes. His glance never left the small blonde and the stranger. Holding hands and laughing, blushing and talking closely. He missed none of it and this, this is why he didn't want this.

He stood up and threw his tray away before leaving the cafeteria without saying another word.

"Guys what's going on?" Hobi asked the table and everyone shruggered their shoulders not really knowing the situation.


"Hey guys!" Jimin sat at the table with the boy sitting in Jungkooks seat.

"Hey." They all awkwardly said in unison. Uncomfortable by the new presence.

"Come on guys! This is Seojun please be kind to him." Jimin pouted and the group sighed. They had no idea why they didn't like him but he made Jungkook leave so he had to have done something.

"Hobi." He introduced himself.

"Jin." He gave a small smile.

"And I'm Tae." Taehyung was the most friendly being as though he was still pretty new to the group himself.

"Hi everyone. I'm Seojun and I'm glad to be here. Thank you for such a warm welcome." He smiled but it wasn't at the group. It was only at Jimin who blushed profusely.

"Oh so this is why Jungkooks mad?" Hobi said pointing to the boys interaction.

"Kookies mad?" Jimin pouted.

"Very much so. You should probably talk to him." Tae advised and patted Jimins shoulder. The blonde only sighed and nodded before standing.

"I'll be back Seojun. They are the nice ones. I promise." He whispered into the newcomers ear and made his way out of the cafeteria to find his best friend. He walked down a bunch of hallways and looked in some classrooms but he couldn't find him.

He was about to give up before he heard something coming from the music room. It was beautiful. The piano was playing along side an angelic voice like none he's ever heard. He was in utter disbelief when he opened the door to see it was the boy he was looking for.

"J-Jungkook." Jimin said with his mouth basically hanging open. Jaw on the floor.

"Oh. Hey." The raven responded sadly not looking up from the piano.

"Your voice is amazing." The blonde gushed and smiled, but Jungkook only responded with a quiet thanks.

"Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" The smaller asked with his adorable puppy eyes that Jungkook can never deny. The olders gaze shifted upwards to see it and his features softened.

"Not mad. I'm just.... afraid." He admitted and pulled at his hair lightly.

"But why? There's nothing to be scared of." Jimin took a seat next to him on the piano stool.

"Jimin I'm always afraid. I get so jealous because I don't want anyone to have you but me. I want you to myself." He said making Jimin smile brightly. He was beyond happy that Jungkook was finally opening up. Finally making his dreams come true.

"Really?" He asked excitedly and Jungkook nodded still looking quite sad.

"I don't mean to make you jealous. I would never do that on purpose."

"I know you don't. You're just too nice to everyone." Jungkook chuckled dryly. He wished Jimin was a bitch and shut out everyone except for him, but the blonde was too considerate and too understanding to something like that.

"But you're different. You can't believe I treat you the same as everyone else because I don't. You're my priority, my first choice, you're finally mine and I don't want to lose that. Ever." Jimins eyes were getting teary because of how emotional he was, but it was like he was talking about something magical. You could see the stars in his eyes when he gets passionate about something. You could see the love radiating off of him.

"I- I don't know if it's too soon or whatever, but-" Jungkook started but Jimin got overly excited and already answered.

"YES!" He yelled making Jungkook smile.

"You don't even know what I was gonna ask you." The older laughed and shook his head.

"Can it please be that you want me to be your boyfriend?" Jimin begged with pouty lips and hands clasped together tightly.

"Well only because that's what the question was." He smirked and before Jimin could utter another word his lips were captured by the olders. Something like he's never felt before. A kiss. But like that it was gone. And a new sensation started to bubble with in the blonde. Anger.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

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