Chapter 14

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╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦ •                                          14

jimin pov                                       • ✦    ✧☾

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jimin pov                                       • ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝

"What was that about?" Jungkook chuckled looking my way. I don't know how to even bring this up in casual conversation. I don't know what to say or how to approach it.

"Kookie can we um- talk?" He sat the glass he was drinking on the table and turned fully towards me.

"Did I do something?" His face contorted into a worried expression and I shook my head.

"Just something you didn't mention." I responded trying to choose my words carefully. I don't want to upset him or anything.

"Okay.... can we talk here or no?"

"Could we go to your room?"

"Sure." He lead the way and I waved at his mom who gave me a sad smile but waved back.

"So..." He trailed off as we both sat.

"Kookie..." I started and his gazed turned towards me.

"Why didn't you tell me about your dad?" I didn't have the heart to look up at him. He didn't say anything for a while.

"I didn't want to bother you with that."

"Jungkook I'm your best friend remember? If you're struggling you have to tell me so I can be there for you." I pouted thinking about how he's been dealing with this on his own.

"I miss him so much." Finally his first tear fell as he hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry Jungkook." I held him tightly as he cried into my shoulder. Finally letting out all of his pent up emotions.

"And I feel awful for my mom." He said quietly gripping the back of my shirt.

"Why?" I asked rubbing circles on his back.

"I feel like we don't talk like we used to and I know that it's my fault." He admitted while letting out a few sniffles.

"Kookie you should talk to her she's worried about you." I

"I'm worried about her." He responded.

"Maybe I should go and give you guys a minute?" I asked thinking he would want to talk with her alone.

"No please stay. I won't be long." He pouted with sad eyes and I nodded. If he didn't want me to leave than there was no way I was going to. He leaned his head up and smiled weakly at me.

"Okay..." I whispered ticking a piece of hair behind his ear.

"I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere." He nodded looking like he was on the verge of tears again. But this time he pecked my cheek and walked out the room.

•:·.☽✧    ✦ •

"How was it?" I asked as he walked back into the room and sat next me. I could already tell it went well but the smile on his face. He took one of my hands and grinned at me.

"It was actually so good. I felt like I haven't talked to her.. like really talked to her in a while so it was amazing. Thank you." He said softly while caressing the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Don't thank me. I didn't do anything." I shook my head not accepting the unnecessary thank you. I didn't do anything important.

"This wouldn't have happened without you so thank you so much."  He pressed a soft peck onto my lips and I blushed hard.

"How about that cuddling now?" He smiled widely while pulling me on top of him.

"Do we have to cuddle like this?" I blushed when his hands gripped my waist. I feel like I'm going to squish him.

"No we could cuddle like this..." I jumped when he suddenly flipped us and was spooning me. Which I would like to mention was so freaking cute. Having Jungkooks arms around me makes me feel so safe.

"Kookie?" I called and he hummed with his face still burried into the back of my neck.

"Can we skip school tomorrow?" I asked hoping he'd say yes. I feel like we could both benefit from a small weekend getaway.

"We skip too often baby." He pressed a kiss onto my neck.

"Please and we can just go somewhere fun. I really need a fun trip." I whined squeezing his hands that were around my waist.

"Would your parents be okay with it?" He asked and I chuckled.

"Definitely not."

"Then I don't think so."

"Kookie. I never disobey them. They will get over it. I need this please?" I turned around in his arms and begged with my puppy eyes and pouty lips. He's a sucker for my cuteness.

"Fine but only because I can't say no when you look at me like that." He groaned.

"Yay!" I peppered his face in kisses and squealed.

"What do you wanna do?" He asked sitting up.

"A beach trip!" I did a little clap and he giggled at that.

"For the whole weekend?" He asked and I nodded excitedly.


"Okay I just have to let my mom know." He got off the bed and I realized he meant right now.

"Will she be okay with that?" I asked before he left the room.

"Right now my grades are great so she won't care about me missing one day of school." I almost exploded with excitement. A nice beach trip with my boyfriend is exactly what I need right now.

"Yay okay! I'm so excited!" I squealed and he smiled as he pecked the crown of my head.

"Me too. We need this." He said softly.


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honestly this update was wayyyyy over due idek why i stopped writing this one forgive me 😭

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