Chapter 3

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jungkook pov      ✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ─────────

I don't like him. That Taehyung guy is weirdly nice. He's overwhelming and annoying and I haven't even known him for more than five minutes. I rolled my eyes and grabbed another apple. I glanced over at the table to see Jimin laughing and giggling with Taehyung. I hate how well they get along. Jimin is my bestfriend and no one can change that.

I walked back towards the table and tapped Jimin on the shoulder making him look at me with his cute little smile.

"Jungkookie you're back!" He exclaimed and I smiled down at him.

"Come with me quickly?" I asked and he nodded and told the other boy he'd be back. I was just happy he didn't ask why because to be honest I have no reason.

"So what's up?" He asked cutely as we walked down the hall towards the library.

"Nothing really... I just wanted to.. talk I guess." I told him nervously. I don't even know why I'm so nervous about it.

"About?" He looked confused and if I had a mirror I'd probably see the same expression on my face. I didn't have a real reason to bring him all the way here. I just didn't want him to be near Taehyung.

"I don't like him." I told him with a slight bit of jealousy poisoning my tone.

"I don't know why. He's never done anything to you Kookie." He pouted and crossed his arms. Adorable. I just wanna pinch his chubby cheeks.

"No, but... I don't like how close you are already." I admitted and he sighed.

"Why are you so jealous all the time?" I could see the annoyance that decorated his features along with the annoyed tone of his voice.

"I'm not jealous." I deadpanned and he gave me a blank look. As if. I'm not jealous. Why would I be?

"Whatever. Just stop being rude. TaeTae is really nice." I groaned at the nickname.

"See! You already have nicknames and everything. It took us like a year before we became that close." Now it was my turn to pout.

"Oh stop you big baby. Taehyung is really cool and we just clicked quickly. Stop being jealous and just be nice to him." He sighed heavily again and just walked away without saying anything else.

"I'm not jealous." I huffed under my breath. I followed him back to our table and the group looked at us awkwardly clearly noticing the tense atmosphere.

"Everything alright guys?" Hobi asked us and I nodded but Jimin didn't say anything.

"Jimin?" Jin asked making the younger look at him. I don't get what his problem is now. He can't be that annoyed with me.

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