Chapter 4

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╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ • 4

jimin pov                                     • ✦    ✧☾

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jimin pov • ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝

Tae and I gave each other confused looks as we watched Jungkook walk away angrily. Why was he so mad? I tried to think of everything that happened or what he could have possibly meant by 'read your texts'.

I quickly pulled out my phone and turned it back on. Earlier I turned it off so it wouldn't die too fast. It took a few seconds but soon the black screen turned bright white with a tint of blue. My Home Screen popped up with a picture of me and Jungkook to which I smiled at. But soon that smile faltered.

My eyes widened when I saw the 10 text notifications I got from my bestfriend. I read the texts as fast as I could. He's been here since school ended! I whipped my head back towards the way that he was walking, completely forgetting about Taehyung. Right now he wasn't as important as apologizing.

"Jungkook!" I yelled as I approached him and he just kept walking. Completely ignoring me.

"Jungkook please!" I whined and he finally stopped. I saw his shoulders rise and fall dramatically as he sighed. He wasn't facing me but I thought it was better this way. Definitely easier for me to talk to him this way.

"I'm really sorry. My phone was turned off." I apologized feeling awful for how worried he was.

"It's whatever Jimin." He told me boredly and I hated when he talked like that. Especially to me. Clearly it's not whatever. He turned to look at me with disappointment and anger written all over his face.

"Talk to me. Please don't be mad Kookie ." I pleaded with teary eyes. I don't like when he's mad at me. His features softened and he took another deep breath.

"I'm not mad Min. I was scared. I was really worried about you." He admitted while grabbing the sides of my face into his palms. I felt the air in my lungs slowly drift away as he looked directly in my eyes. His stare was intense and I might be crazy but I swore he looked at my lips. Was he gonna kiss me?

"I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you." He confessed and it was like he knew exactly what to say to make my heart melt. And as if it couldn't get any more mushy he caressed my check softly with his thumb. I wanted to cry and smile at the same time. He treats me so well and I know he loves me. Just not the way I love him.

"S-stop..... P-please." I begged, too quietly for him to hear but letting out a louder involuntary whimper. I can't take much more of this before I have a complete break down. He looked at me with an unreadable expression before speaking again.

"I love you and I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I was really worried about you. Please just let me know next time." He told me as he squeezed me tighter and I couldn't help it anymore. I tried my hardest no to but I shed my first tear.

"Jimin why are you crying?" He was shocked to see a tear fall down my face and wiped it away with his sleeve lightly.

"I love you too. But I can't t-talk about t-this right now." I cried and hugged him tighter nuzzling my head into his chest. I just wanted him to hold me.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" He asked lowly in my ear making my entire body shiver. I just nodded in his chest unable to speak. All I wanted was for him to care for me. Even if it wasn't the way I did for him anything is better than nothing.

He held my hand the entire walk without uttering a single word. We didn't really have to talk though. We were comfortable. When I saw my house coming up I sighed. It meant I'd have to let go of his hand. I'd have to let him go home. Unless I don't.

"Okay." He said before trying to let go of my hand. I didn't allow him to and he gave me a small smile.

"What are you doing Min?" He chuckled but I only pouted cutely.

"Please just hold me a little longer." I asked and he chuckled again pulling me into another hug. I pushed my face into his neck. The smell of his cologne alone is enough to make me fall in love with him again. He always smells so good.

"You really need to get a boyfriend." He laughed but it only made me frown deeply. I wish that you were my boyfriend Jungkook. I wish I had the confidence to tell you that. I sighed heavily but I must have been caught up in my thoughts because he raised a brow at me.

"What? I can't be your fill in forever." He laughed again but I just want him to stop talking. I can't handle this conversation.

"I never s-said that." I stuttered too scared to say anything more.

"You don't have to. I know you use me as your personal cuddle supplier." He joked and he isn't wrong, but he wasn't right either.

"It's not really using you. Y-you know you l-like it." I tried to tease him back and he pulled away from me and smirked.

"Are you flirting with me Park Jimin?" He asked. I wish the ground caved in and I fell into the hole and never came out. Fuck. I'm blushing way too hard.


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