Chapter 9

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third pov                                     • ✦    ✧☾

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third pov • ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝

"The truth." The blonde shook nervously. He wasn't sure if it was the appropriate thing to do but the truth would come out sooner or later and lying to Jungkook was never good for anyone.

"What's that supposed to mean?" The older asked impatiently. Jimin started to play with the hem of his shirt while Jungkook was basically burn holes into the top of his head. The smaller couldn't get the words to come out. Every time he tried his mouth would open but nothing came of it.

"You- you told me that you loved me." He finally stuttered out but Jungkook had barely any reaction.

"You already knew that." The raven responded boredly. Jimin knew Jungkook loved him. The taller has told him that a numerous amount of times.

"I did...." He paused and bit his lip nervously.

"...but y-you told me you l-loved me the way I love y-you." Jimin quickly blurted making Jungkooks eyes widen and his entire face flush with a deep red tint.

"Oh." Jungkook hid his head in his hands embarrassed. He couldn't believe that this was happening.

"And that you were scared." Jimin continued while still refusing to look up. He didn't want to accept the fact that Jungkook could just say he was drunk and not thinking straight. Jimin was terrified that Jungkook would reject him again.

"Oh god." The older groaned and lifted his head to see Jimin not trying to look at him either.

"Jimin I-" He started but Jimin cut him off.

"No its okay Kook-ah. I already told you how I felt and now I know how you feel." Jimin shrugged now focusing his gaze on the other through his blonde bangs. With the smallest smile playing on his face.

"But we still can't-" Jungkook started again. Why the fuck not? The younger thought.

"Why not? I won't leave you Jungkook. I promise." He pleaded and promised. He was desperate to be with the boy he's loved for all of these years.

"I love you." He confessed again and Jungkook shook his head. With his eyes starting to form tears.

"But you're my bestfriend." He weeped and make that Jimins billionth time getting friendzoned. And it was now that the small blonde was ready to cry. To just let it all out and let Jungkook know it hurts. I hurts so much to be just friends.

But instead Jungkook put a hand on Jimins thigh. To say it shook the younger would be a drastic understatement. Jimin was practically hyperventilating.

"Jimin if this doesn't work what do we do?" He asked with the same solemn expression as before. But Jimins heart was fluttering. This was happening. He didn't have time to answer before Jungkook started again.

"What if we get into fights and stuff and hate each other?" The raven suggested but that made Jimin chuckle. Well that and the puppy eyes Jungkook was giving. Which Jimin absolutely adored.

"I don't know about you Kookie but I could never hate you." He admitted and placed his tiny hand right on top of Jungkooks.

"Jimin." Jungkook shut his eyes and gulped deeply. He wanted to say no. He wanted to tell Jimin he loved him but this would never work.

"Please can we try? Give us a chance." Jimin begged dramatically. He wanted to be with the older so badly.

"I-" Seeing Jimins face like that and him begging was enough. Jungkook made his finally decision. He knew it was going to change everything but it was worth that. Finally he was ready.

"Okay." He quickly stated.

"Okay?" The blonde questioned with a wider smile forming. Is that an actual yes Jungkook? Jimins breathing hitched abs his eyes widened with excitement.

"Yeah." The older responded this time flipping his hand and squeezing Jimins smaller one. He gave the boy a genuine smile which made Jimins heart throb. He was going to implode if he didn't celebrate.

"I'll give us a chance." He said while nodding and Jimin screamed at the top out his lungs with joy. He jumped up from the bed and started to dancing making Jungkook laugh. This was a moment he's been looking forward to for 6 years. Six years and finally they are more than just friends. Finally he wasn't friendzoned.

"But Min." Jungkook said and that made the blonde immediately stop, sit back down and listen carefully to whatever Jungkook would say next.

"If this doesn't work out you need to stay my best friend. I don't care what happens we will stay best friends no matter what." That was Jungkooks biggest fear. Losing Jimin forever.

He had feelings or some type of crush on Jimin for a little but he never thought to act on it. He had suspicions that Jimin liked him back but he didn't want to believe it. Thinking about it was too much. Thinking that they'd break up and never talk to each other again was too much for him. So Jungkook was happy with just being friends but if Jimin wanted more... he'd try. He would try his best to give him the world and be the best boyfriend he could.

"Okay." Jimin responded still smiling like nothing in the world could ruin the happinesss he was feeling right now. Which it really couldn't. No one or thing could sabotage this for him.

"Promise me." Jungkook said in a more serious tone. This is the one thing he needs from Jimin. Just the security that he'd always be there when Jungkook need him. That he wouldn't leave even if they fought.

"I promise." And with that they hugged Jungkook held Jimin as if he'd never let him go. He never wanted to let him go. He wanted Jimin to stay in his arms for the rest of his life. No words could explain how happy the two were in this moment.


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