Adam's House

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March 2, 2018. Adam Ruzek's 30th birthday. I woke up early and ran downstairs, eager to make him breakfast.. French toast, and a side of eggs. I also got him a new gun holster, and Blackhawk's tickets for he and I.

"Adam, sweetheart! Breakfast is ready!" I called up to him half an hour later. Before he came down, there was a knock on the door, the mailman dropped off a manila envelope.

"Thanks Mark!" I yelled to him as he waved to me. I walked back inside and started to open the envelope, and read the letter inside.

Very nice of that douchebag boyfriend of yours to let you live with him. I appreciate that sentiment and what I'm sure it means to you. But nice try. Do you think I'm stupid?
Xoxo, Frank.'

I began to hyperventilate as I read the letter, he had it delivered to Adam's house. He knows I'm here. He knows where Adam lives... I wasn't going to tell him before I read it, now I have to.

"Adam!" I cried to him.

"Babe?! What's wrong?" He said as he came running down the steps.

"Happy birthday...!" I cried out. I gave him his presents. He looked at me confusedly.

"Also.. there's this.." I handed him the envelope too. He took everything from my hands, held the good things for a long time, and smiled. Then moved on to the envelope, as he read it, his brow furrowed and his jaw clenched.

"He's a dead!" He finally snapped. "I don't feel right with you staying home today; I know it's your day off, but still.."

"Take me to my house! He doesn't know where that is!"

"But if he's watching my house.."

"His balls aren't that big. I'm fine babe.."

"Fine..." he kissed me. "Thanks for the gifts babe. I love them, and I love you."

"I love you too! I'll sneak out the side, and hop right into your car."

I walked out his side door, and unlocked his car. I looked around for a moment before I got in. Adam drove me to my house and pulled in the alley that bordered one side. I kissed him and grabbed my keys tightly in my hand, "I'll text you all day!" I winked.

"Babe.. be careful! And if anything seems off, please call me ASAP! I mean it! I love you."

"I will babe, promise. I love you too!" I kissed him again and walked to my side door, with my jacket hood up since it was still cold out. He stayed until I got safety inside, and drove to work.

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