Dark Quarry

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Salter: Good sep. We're within scanning range in 30

Reyes: Check all frequencies for distress signals

Salter: Roger. Radio's up

Player: The radio's dead

Price: Bugger. Must be the solar flares

Omar: No marine's ever been this close to the daystar. That's for sure

Kashima: Ah. You hear that, Brooks? We're setting some sorta record

Brooks: Awesome

Salter: Stop talking, Kashima. That's an order

Roach: (Chuckles)

Salter: Asteroid's fluctuating. About a minute, give or take

Ghost: Wait... a minute?

Omar: That's a hundred times normal spin!

Reyes: Lets get a look at the day side

Salter: 900 degrees in the sun?!

Kashima: Wow

Reyes: Get us to cover, Salt

Salter: Roger

(Salter and Kashima fly the raven down through a hole in the asteroid)

Player: Heat shields seem to be stable

Salter: We've got a beacon

Price: Where?

Kashima: No. Nobody could have survived this

Reyes: We don't know that

Salter: The facility's toast. Lets get back to base and report to Raines

Reyes: We should find a place to land

Salter: That is not advisable

Reyes: 141?

Roach: (Shrugs)

Soap: It's your call, Reyes

Reyes: Staff Sergeant?

Omar: You pick your mission, Captain. Don't let it pick you

Reyes: We're going down there. Search and rescue

(Salter sighs)

Salter: Aye sir. I see a hangar up ahead. We can set down inside, out of the sun

Player: Perfect

Reyes: Do it

Salter: Roger. Forcing down

(The raven lands in a hangar)

Omar: Boost rigs on. Lets go

(Everyone puts on a boost rig and a helmet)

Omar: Lets bring home survivors, Captain. On me. Be advised, separation on the ground could be catastrophic. Stick together and keep out of the sun!

Group: Roger

Omar: Lets find these civilians. Dead or alive

(Brooks opens the door)

Omar: Move out! Go!

(Reyes, Salter, Brooks, Kashima, Omar, Player, Price, Soap, Roach, and Ghost hop out of the raven)

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