Back in the fight

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Gator: Captain Reyes, priority dispatch from the Admiral

Reyes: Roger. Patch it

Raines: Commander Reyes, stratcom has decrypted a fleet transmission from Admiral Kotch broadcast six hours before the attack

Reyes: Roger, Admiral. Go ahead

(The video streams to Reyes' HUD)

Kotch: Today, the front embarks on a conquest.  Here and now, we will eradicate the authority and influence of the earth! Our world is just beginning! Theirs is dying! It is not enough to break free! We will break THEM! Their cities will burn along with the pages of their history. Mars aeternum

Raines: Captain, they won't stop until they take our world. This may be our last stand

Reyes: Understood sir

(Everyone steps out of the raven)

Kloos: Ship repair updates for you sir. Hangar deck is back online

Reyes: Good news

(Reyes looks at Kloos' tablet)

Omar: I'll pound out an after action report right away

Reyes: Ethan, accompany Sergeant Omar. Assist him with the AAR

Group: (Surprised faces)

Ethan: Yes sir

Omar: I've got it well in hand, Captain

Reyes: No doubt you do. You've got your orders, Ethan

Ethan: Yes I do, sir

(Ethan and Omar go through a door)

Player: Hoo boy...

Salter: A little forced face time for those two, huh? Shame to miss that

Reyes: My money's on Omar

Salter: Eh. I've got Ethan

141: Me too

Gibson: You boarded an enemy airship?

Reyes: Cannot confirm or deny that, boss

Gibson: I'll take that as a yes

Salter: Take that as a hell yes

(Reyes, Salter, Player, Soap, Price, Roach, and Ghost board an elevator)

Salter: Lets get upstairs. See what we got

Player: I have reports coming in that the hospital wing is all fixed up now

Reyes: Good

Salter: There are a couple ways this plays out

Reyes: Tell me

Salter: We either hold them off with these tag team tactical ops...

Reyes: Or?

Salter: Or SDF cuts us off with a blockade and we never see home again

Reyes: We'll get home again

Salter: I know

Player: I'll work. It has to

Salter: How do you know?

Player: Because I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't

(Everyone steps off the elevator)

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