Phoenix (Side)

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Reyes: SDF carrier Cerberus is dry docked for resupply in the Miranda moon asteroid field. Payload says there's a prototype airship in the hangar. Lets mount an infil, commandeer the prototype and keep it out of the fight

Salter/141: Copy

Griff: Silenced EBR-800s are ready to go. Trust me, you won't get too close to that ship without them

(Everyone grabs a silenced EBR-800)

Griff: Watch your back out there

(Later, in space)

Gator: Sir, we've got you in range of Cerberus on the edge of the asteroid belt. I'll be on station for evac once you've acquired the prototype

Reyes: Solid copy

Salter: Raider, how we taking control of this bad boy?

Reyes: We'll disable the carrier with EMPs before boarding. That's why Ethan's staying behind this time

Salter: Roger that. Lets do this

Reyes: 141, you all ready?

141: Ready!

Omar: One one this is bravo. We're 0-3-0 relative of your position on the far side of the belt

Player: Good. Be ready for anything

Kashima: Gotcha

Salter: Scanners are clean. They don't know we're here

Price: We just gotta keep it that way

Reyes: Eyes peeled. Take it slow

Salter: Copy. On me

(The squad is using their boost rigs to navigate through the asteroid field when they see a huge SDF ship)

Roach: (Points to the ship)

Ghost: That's gotta be it

Salter: Enemy transport ahead

Reyes: Keep moving

Soap: Use the asteroids as cover

(The ship docks in the middle of the asteroid field)

Reyes: Stand fast. Lets see what they do

Salter: Eyes on two scouts

Player: I see them

Reyes: Let the transport clear. Salter and I can take them

Salter: Take your pick. I'll get the other

(Reyes snipes one scout, and Salter snipes the other)

(A third scout comes into view, but he gets sniped by Player)

Reyes: Nice shot

Player: Thought you might like that. Lets go

Price: Hostiles inbound. Left

Reyes: Grab cover

(Everyone opens fire quickly, taking out a patrol)

Salter: Clear

Brooks: Actual, bravo is on station at carrier Cerberus

Reyes: Copy Brooks. Secure your perimeter for charges

Salter: Incoming searchlight

Player: Everyone split up

(Everyone splits up as the spotlight comes into view)

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