Civilian Terminal

439 9 2

Omar: Earth's lunar gateway port is currently under siege. To defend it, the Retribution will insert two teams. Alphas and bravos. Ones and twos. Our primary objective is to retake that port. Oorah?!

Everyone: OORAH!

Omar: Masks on! That means you, Americans!

(Everyone puts their helmet's visor down. Except for Ethan)

Reyes: Tigris actual, how copy?

Ferran: Solid, you set?

Reyes: Affirmative

Price: Here we go

Gator: We're taking heavy fire, sir! We need to insert now!

Reyes: Open the well deck!

(The well deck opens up, and then bullets start flying)

Salter: Heads up, we're hot!

Soap: Return fire!

Reyes: We're good to go, Gator! Cut the cord!

Ghost: Start the bloody truck!

Omar: Roll em out!

(The rovers use their thrusters to float down to the moon and then use wheels to drive along the surface)

(A rover explodes)

Player: We lost one!

Salter: Alpha two's down!

Brooks: Bravo's in

Salter: Alpha one's in

Player: Alpha three's in!

Reyes: Gator, get outta here!

Gator: Moving to holding pattern

Ethan: Terminal is due north, Staff Sergeant

Omar: I don't need coordinates from you, Ethan

Soap: Enemy FKV!

Salter: Contact!

Omar: Right side!

Price: Guns up!

Reyes: I got him!

Omar: Take em down!

(Reyes shoots an enemy using a rocket launcher with his Volk)

Ghost: Target down!

Omar: Bravos, break right!

Brooks: Copy, good hunting, alpha

(Brooks, Kashima, Sopchak, and Nunez go help the other team)

(The alpha rovers are under fire, so they get off course)

Omar: Alpha's going in the hard way!

Player: Oh boy, here we go!

Soap: Hang on!

Reyes: Brace for impact!

(Omar's rover smashes through a window, knocking Ethan off of it)

(Player's rover comes through that same window, but stops with a drift)

Ghost: Ethan, you alright, mate?

Ethan: Stellar, Ghost. Effective driving, Sergeant

(Ethan offers Omar a hand out of the rover, only for it to be slapped away)

Omar: Stay outta my way, Ethan

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