Deep execute (Side)

270 7 1

(Player, Reyes, and Salter are on the surfaces of asteroids, with their space gear on)

(141 is on standby just in case)

Reyes: Oxygen's at 36 percent

Salter: They should have been here by now

Player: No one's ever 100 percent on time. We probably just need to wait a couple minutes

Reyes: Eh. It probably won't kill us to wait a little longer

Salter: Got 30 more mikes on the comms blackout to Ret

Reyes: We're still bingo on life support. Lets stay put

Salter: Roger. Standing by for enemy move-

(A couple of SDF ships come out of hyperspace)

Player: Told ya

Reyes: There it is

(Reyes points at the SDF Icarus)

Salter: Copy, target confirmed. SDF Icarus is overhead

Reyes: Dry dock hatchway's our entrance

Salter: Keep tight to the hull

Player: I'll follow your lead

Reyes: I'll get us in

(Reyes plants a device on the ship's hull, making it go from red to green)

(The dry dock opens up and closes when the trio is inside)

Player: 141, this is Player. We're in. No one knows we're here

Ghost: Good job. Now sabotage the O2 and kill the crewmates

(Everyone climbs up a ladder and crawls through a vent)

Salter: The keel relay is just ahead. I can guide you to the meeting from there

(Salter hands Reyes a device)

Salter: Plant this in the vent system and shut down life support

(Reyes puts the device into his pocket)

Salter: So far we're undetected. Lets keep it that way. This is it

(Salter is rapidly typing on a keyboard)

Salter: I'll patch in and locate the meeting while you two get the uniforms

Reyes: We'll check in from crew quarters

Salter: Careful, you got a hostile near-

(Player snaps a crewmate's neck)

Salter: Well... That's one way to do it

(Player and Reyes climb the ladder into the crew quarters)

Reyes: Salt. We're at the checkpoint

Salter: Copy

(Reyes stabs a crewmate in the neck with his knife and lays him on the bunk)

(Reyes then sneaks up on another crewmate and stabs him in the back of the head)

(Reyes throws his knife, stabbing a crewmate in the heart)

(Player does a judo throw on a crewmate, making him hit another crewmate. Player then puts a bullet in both of their heads with a silenced G18 pistol)

Reyes: Barracks clear

Salter: Enemy comms are quiet. No alerts. You're still dark

Player: Lets keep it like that

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