Trojan horse

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(Reyes and his crew are now on their approach to Mars)

Reyes: Lets clear a path through this defensive screen then engage with everything we've got

Player: This is gonna be fun. 141, to the turrets!

141: Copy

(Player, Price, Soap, Roach, and Ghost get on some non-automated turrets)

Ethan: Activating weapons

(Ethan powers up the Olympus' giant F-SPAR torch)

SDF: Olympus, verify fire status. You are reading weapons red

Ethan: Negative, tower. Olympus is weapons safe. Running system check now. Possible malfunction on your end?

SDF: Stand by. Running diagnostics to scan for malfunction

Ethan: Targeting is in your HUD, Captain

Reyes: Go missiles loose!

Ethan: Aye sir!

Salter: Weapons away!

Price: Shoot! Shoot now!

(141 fires the turrets as the Olympus Mons launches a head on assault)

Ethan: Sir, you're free to target the capital ship. Spectral cannon is online

Reyes: Lets see what this thing can do

Ethan: SDF forces are responding. Prepare for contact

(Reyes uses the F-SPAR torch to blow up an SDF capital ship)

Group: Woah/Wow

(Reyes uses the giant F-SPAR to take out a few more SDF ships)

SDF: Olympus, requesting strike group Admiral immediately!

Salter: They want Kotch

Nunez: But he's dead

Reyes: Tower, actual is unavailable at this time

Ethan: Weapons capacity is depleting rapidly!

Salter: We'll need every bit of that!

(Reyes uses the giant F-SPAR torch to take down as many SDF ships as possible before it's energy depletes)

Brooks: Ordnance is almost out!

Ethan: The ship's power is in reserve!

Nunez: Uh oh!

Reyes: Exhaust everything we've got!

(Reyes takes down a few more SDF ships with the giant F-SPAR torch before it deactivates)

Salter: Weapons sour! Hang fire!

Reyes: Ethan, status?

Ethan: Remaining weapons systems are offline,  Captain. We don't have enough firepower to destroy the shipyard

Reyes: What about the turrets?

Player: The turrets are outta ammo. Used the last of it to shoot down enemy ships

Reyes: Anything onboard we can use?

Price: SDF disposed of all their weapon caches. We're on our own

(Reyes growls)

Reyes: Ethan, hold course for the shipyard

Salter: What's the plan?

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