Cost of victory

177 6 0

(Scars, marines, 141, and the civilians are getting off the raven)

Brooks: We'll handle this, sir

Reyes: Meet us on the bridge when you're through, Corporal

Brooks: Yessir

Kashima: We did a good thing here, Captain

Salter: Lets get to the bridge

Player: Get him to the hospital, stat!

(A couple of medics take Omar to the hospital on a stretcher)

Ethan: Lieutenant Salter. Captain Reyes. 141. This way, if you would

(Reyes, Player, Salter, Price, Soap, Roach, and Ghost go with Ethan)

Salter: Give us the sit rep

Reyes: What happened, Ethan?

Ethan: Distress call from Ferran. It should be on your HUD now

Transmission: (Static) (Distorted) Olympus Mons! (Cuts off)

Salter: Tigris is under attack

Reyes: Are we in contact with Ferran?

Ethan: No. Solar flares are blocking comms. Gator's trying to locate their position right now

(There is a silence as everyone steps onto the elevator)

Ethan: Did something go wrong with the recon sir?

Salter: We saved lives out there, Ethan. But there were some problems

Ethan: What kind of problems mam?

Player: Do you want to tell him? Or should I?

Reyes: Staff Sergeant Omar's gravely wounded

Ethan: I'm sorry to hear that sir

Salter: Gator, I've got the Captain and company. We're coming in now

(The group heads off the elevator and into the bridge)

Gator: Captain has the conn

Reyes: Seal the bridge

Gator: Aye sir. I've zeroed in on Tigris's fix

Reyes: Prepare a drop to that location. Commence when ready

Gator: Aye sir

Reyes: Lieutenant Salter, get our jackals on alert. I want ravens standing by for survivors

Salter: Reyes, I don't anticipate-

Reyes: Just do it, Salt

Salter: Yes sir

Ethan: Captain. CommO informs me you have a priority notification from the Admiral in your office

Reyes: Lieutenant Salter has the conn

(Reyes goes into his office and gets on his computer)

Salter: All hands condition two. Drop stations

Raines: This is a classified briefing regarding the POW known as "Riah". Identify yourself

Reyes: Commander Nick Reyes

(The computer flashes green and plays the briefing)

Salter: Drop in 3...2...1...

(The Retribution goes into hyperspace)

Just an infinite warfare fanfic (Crossover version)Where stories live. Discover now