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Omar: Coast guard's getting overrun

Ethan: Tigris needs air intervention

Price: It's a bloody war zone

Soap: Aye. SDF's gonna be all over the place

Salter: One step at a time, boys. We secure the base, then we assist Tigris

Reyes: Roger, go for launch

(Everyone charges their jackal's boosters and they all fly into battle)

Pilot: Three six, launching

Pilot: Three two, full afterburner

Salter: Scar one two away

Player: 141 away

Reyes: The only way we're holding this port is reclaiming air superiority. Lets clean this up and drive the SDF out of this airspace

Price: Roger that

Ghost: Initiate formation black sky

Pilot: Tally four! Skelters inbound!

Soap: I see them!

Roach: (Nods in agreement)

Reyes: Engage! Weapons free!

Omar: Brooks! Kashima! Focus all anti air fire on those skelters!

Brooks: Roger that sir!

(The squad starts flying around in the jackals shooting down a bunch of skelters with the help of bunch of anti air guns)

Reyes: Lets stay on em, we're pushing them back!

Salter: Is that all? I'm on 4

(A wave of SDF skelters comes flying in)

Player: Is it just me or are there more than when we started?

Salter: They've got reinforcements, stay sharp!

Soap: Deploy missiles!

Ghost: I'm out of missiles! That was the last of em!

Price: This is absolutely no time to yell about depleted missiles!

Player: This is a battle! It's a perfect time to yell about depleted missiles!

Salter: Guys, just keep the skelters off the turrets!

(A bunch of SDF missiles zoom towards the UNSA fleet)

Player: Pop flares!

(Everyone releases flares to destroy the missiles)

Reyes: Their missiles are guided. Coast guard jackals aren't set up for this. Tigris, we need something to even out the playing field

Kashima: Ah! We can't get past their countermeasures

Tigris Crewmate: Roger scar one one. We have some missile supply drones ready. Mark your positions for delivery

(Everyone types some coordinates into their flight computers)

Tigris Crewmate: Your positions are marked. Supply drones are inbound

(The supply drones re stock everyone's jackal missiles)

Player: Now that's what I'm talking about!

Kashima: We're losing ground support

Brooks: These guys are fast

Reyes: We're locked and loaded. Scars, 141, hit them with everything you've got

Just an infinite warfare fanfic (Crossover version)Where stories live. Discover now