Under attack

810 13 7

Ethan: Sir?!

Salter: Reyes?! Nick?!

Reyes: I'm alright

Player: If this were Nikolai's ship, he would have been to angry to die

(An SDF war ship flies overhead, shooting civilians with its machine gun)

Some guy: MY CABBAGES!

Raines: They're shooting civilians!

(A couple of SDF soldiers boost jump onto the ship's windshield)

Salter: Here! Take this!

(Salter hands Reyes a G18 pistol)

(Reyes takes out both of the SDF soldiers and the windshield with the G18 pistol)

(Reyes and Salter slide down the nose of the airship and take cover)

(Everyone else gets out of the airship)

Ethan: Sir! They're firing on innocent people!

Salter: Evacuate the area immediately! All of you, now!

(A bunch of civilians start running away)

(Player opens a trunk containing a bunch of guns from the back of the ship)

Player: Ladies and lads, lock and load!

(Everyone grabs a gun and loads it up)

Reyes: SDF is using our AATIS guns to shoot down the fleet!

Ghost: Yeah, no kidding!

Salter: We have to get to the tower to take back control of the guns!


(Everyone charges forward guns blazing)

Reyes: Moving up, second floor!

Ethan: Roger that!

Salter: On you, Reyes

Player: I'll draw their fire, you guys take them out!

Price: What?

Soap: Thats a terrible plan!

Roach: (Nods)

(Player runs up guns blazing and takes out a bunch of enemies with an M4, then ducks into cover, distracting the SDF soldiers)

(Reyes and Salter go up some stairs, sneak up behind a group of SDF soldiers, and take them out from behind)

(Price, Soap, Ethan, Roach, Ghost, and Raines rush the rest of the enemies who are shooting at Player)

Salter: Clear!

Ethan: All clear!

Player: See? Worked like a charm

(Everyone starts to run through a shopping mall)

Raines: Scramble your fighters, Lieutenants

Reyes: Affirmative. All scars, this is one one, do you read?

(There is no response)

Ethan: Communications must have been hit

Player: (Sarcastically) Great. We have small arms and toy comms

Ethan: SDF's breaking for the tower!

Reyes: They're landing troops

Soap: I'm sure it's nothing we can't handle

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