Boarding party

293 6 2

(The jackals are flying towards an SDF ship)

(Reyes sends a video feed to everyone's HUDs)

Reyes: We'll bail out over the port side bow and zero g to the bridge

Salter: Once on board, we'll shut down the bridge and aft combat systems

Omar: Copy. After shutdown, we exit through the cargo bay

Reyes: Affirmative. Tigris engages once we're clear

Player: You're gonna need the element of surprise. I'll go in with 141 and cause a major distraction, but you all need to act fast

Reyes: Roger that, Player

Price: Where should we go in?

Reyes: You'll go in with us and split off

Soap: Ok, got it

Salter: Got our big bandit. 12 o clock high

Reyes: Eyes on. Tigris, we're visual

Ferran: Copy visual. Covering fire!

Salter: Follow me in

Reyes: On you, fever

Salter: Watch our flank!

Reyes: I see it

Player: Taking heavy fire!

Price: Evasive maneuvers!

(A jackal is hit by munitions and explodes)

Reyes: Coast guard jackal is down!

Ghost: Looks like we're on our own then

Omar: Drop zone's coming up

Soap: Everyone, get ready to bail out

Salter: Boots out in 3...2...1... Go!

(Player, Reyes, Price, Soap, Salter, Ghost, Omar, Roach, and Ethan hop out of their jackals with their space gear on)

Salter: One two away!

Reyes: One one away!

Player: 141 away!

Ethan: The bridge is dead ahead, sir

Reyes: Roger, lets get there

(Some SDF soldiers come out of the enemy ship in space gear)

Salter: We got hostiles!

Price: Open fire!

(Everyone fires at the SDF soldiers, who fire back, sending everyone scrambling for cover on the surface of the ship)

Player: Rocket away!

(Player throws a smart rocket, which zooms towards a group of SDF soldiers and explodes)

Salter: More incoming!

Reyes: Take em!

Ethan: SDF transport inbound!

Soap: Slot the bastards!

Omar: Drive them back!

(A huge gunfight is happening on the outside surface of the SDF ship while a bunch pf UNSA jackals are in a dogfight with SDF skelters)

Salter: Skelters are getting too close!

Reyes: Actual, we need suppression on these skelters!

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