Assault the shipyard

380 7 1

Ethan: Captain, 141, do you copy?

Group: Affirmative

Ethan: I'm into their network. Got eyes on you now

Reyes: What about enemy positions?

Ethan: Got eyes on those too

Salter: This is suicide, Reyes!

Reyes: I gave my order, Salt

Salter: Captain doesn't always bring his men home

Reyes: Not always

(The two shuttles fly in their respective directions)

Player: You all ready for this?

Price: If we fail, the whole solar system's glass. We have to be

Soap: We just need to hang in there a little longer

Roach: (Nods in agreement)

Ethan: This is your stop sir. Looks like it's clear

(The shuttle stops in front of a room stocked with weapons and equipment)

Ethan: Junction room. Full of stock you can swipe

Reyes: Last haul, huh?

Ethan: Regrettably sir

(Everyone loads up and takes as much equipment as they can carry)

Ghost: Locked and loaded

Reyes: All set. Where to?

Ethan: Hallway to the fore. Guns close

Reyes: Copy

(Reyes throws a seeker around a corner, blowing up a group of SDF soldiers camping in a hallway)

Player: No one likes a camper

Price: Go go go!

(Price and Soap each take a side of the next hallway and clear it with their M4s)

Ghost: Hallway clear!

Salter: Approaching the destroyer. I need weapons and moorings unlocked. One without the other is a no go

Reyes: Roger that. Be advised, hostile airships are moving to your sector

Salter: Copy. Eyes on. Out

Ethan: Captain, you've got company on the exit

(Another hallway opens up, with a bunch of robots in it)

(The robots fire their rifles, making everyone duck into cover)

Roach: (Points into the hallway)

(Roach throws a shock grenade into the hallway, stunning the robots)

(Reyes, Player, and Ghost then shoot the robots with their guns until they all fall down)

Reyes: Got no cover in the hall!

Ethan: I'll take care of that

(Ethan makes some sections of the walls slide out like cover)

Price: Much better

(Reyes takes out a few SDF soldiers and robots with his M240)

Player: Ethan, can you get the next hall too?

Ethan: Affirmative

(Ethan makes some parts of the next hall's wall extend like cover walls)

Player: Thanks

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